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[电子电讯] 各位用Exetel宽带的用户,最近这两天稳定吗?

发表于 2-5-2009 10:57:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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签Exetel Naked宽带已经几个月了,速度和稳定性都比较满意。可是最近几天网络情况很差,时常出现打不开网页情况,下载速度也比平时慢很多。在不正常的时候观察Modem,有时候PPP灯不亮,有时候ADSL和PPP灯都不亮。


Later today Exetel will commence a short (5 day) trial of what is claimed to be a non-intrusive internet site filtering system. By 'non-intrusive' is meant something that a user will not notice in terms of any browsing or file downloading speed differences.  The reason that Exetel is doing this trial is that our belief to date is that any future mandatory internet site 'filtering' will impose significant costs on Exetel and significant slow downs on our customers. Since the current Labor Federal Government announced its intentions to impose some form of internet censorship we have looked at various ways that we could implement it (should it ever become necessary) at the lowest possible cost and with the lowest possible speed degradation. To date, our view has been that no such solution exists.  We are trialing the one possible solution that, while certainly costing an ISP a significant amount of money, claims to have almost zero/actually zero affect on a user's speeds of service. Having discussed with the vendor why this would be possible we can see it could be feasible. We will, later today, turn on this 'filter' and will make our own observations on how much, if at all, speeds are affected for our whole user base. Our confident expectation is that no Exetel customer will notice, or be subject to, any speed degradation and we also doubt that any Exetel customer will experience a 'blocked site'.  Our sole purpose in running this trial is to put ourselves in a position to deal with any future imposed content filtering system imposed by the Australian Labor party by conforming to any legal requirement without imposing seed degradation on our customers.  While we are confident that 99.999% of our customers will neither notice a speed difference once the trial starts nor will have any pages blocked please log a fault in the normal way if you do encounter any difficulty or report blocked pages here:  http://forum.exetel.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=31829  Regards  Exetel network Engineering

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-5-2009 13:26:28 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-5-2009 13:32:07 | 只看该作者
It is the time to leave Exetel.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 3-5-2009 22:47:34 | 只看该作者

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