Abbreviation of barbeque
beak (1)
Your proboscis, your hooter, your snout. People say I have a very big one. Actually, it's not - my face is just too small.
beak (2)
Your Honour, Your Worship, Your Hugeness, Your Bigness - yes folks, it's a judge or magistrate. When appearing in court, you are said to be 'going up before the beak'.
bearded clam, spearing the
A male term for fornication which, in all decency, needs no further explanations!
Generally used as an exclamation of delight. Variations include beaut!, bewdy! and bewdy bottler!
beddy byes
Where we all go when it's time for 'nye nyes'. I told my wife I wanted to die in bed. She said, 'Again?'
beef bayonet
The male sexual organ. (See also tummy banana, blue vein flute, junket trumpet, oh yes, and penis!) |