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[澳洲英语] Aussie Slang

发表于 26-3-2009 19:13:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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近期借了一本书,叫Aussie Slang(作者John Blackman),感觉挺好的。于是,决定把打进来,一边帮助记忆,一边给大家看看,一齐学习学习  (版权作者所有,仅供各位TZ学习)

To dismiss someone out-of-hand is to give them the 'big A'. It's a more polite way of waying you've given something or someone the arse. People who are dismissed from their jobs are said to have been given 'the arse' or 'Tijuana' - rhyming slang for Tijuana Brass.

acid, to put the .. on
To ply someone for either help, money or sex. (as I get older, I need help with all three!)

Your backside, bum, arse, ass, bottom et al. Nirvana for a lot of Aussies is sitting on your acre doing nothing but watching the grass arow.

act the goat
To behave in a silly or foolish manner.

Abbreviation of Adrian Quist (noted tennis player) and rhyming slang for 'pissed' or drunk. 'How drunk? He woke up the next morning and found his clothes scattered all over the front lawn ... problem was he was still wearing them!'

[ 本帖最后由 MacroJ 于 26-3-2009 18:29 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 26-3-2009 19:27:51 | 只看该作者
aerial ping-pong
Derogatory term used to describe the football game of Aussie Rules by fans of cross-country wrestling (derogatory term used by Aussie Rules fans to describe rugby).

Abbreviation of 'aggravation'. It can describe an angry, belligerent person or trouble as in 'Don't give me any aggro'. It's also the name of an obnoxious (but very funny) little puppet seen frequently on Australian television.

Abbraviation of the phrase 'airs and graces'. Just a little pretentious ... Pretentious. Moi?

What happens when you take a swing at golf and miss (air swing) and what most blokes' (and some sheilas') armpits are ... sorry about that one!

Something of very little substance. E.g. a political party's policies.

Our very distinctive broad-brimmed Australian bush hat made from rabbit fur. Worn in the main by the man-on-the land, Greg Norman and occasionally by wankers in the city!

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 楼主| 发表于 27-3-2009 22:48:58 | 只看该作者
Al Capone
Rhyming slang for telephone. Also 'dog and bone' and 'eau de Cologne'. In Australia, we often give each other a gin sling (ring) on the dog!

There are two types of this person. A smart aleck who seems to know everything but generally knows stuff-all or a person of limited intellectual capacity who spend most of his life achieving very little (alecking around).

Alice, the
Abbreviation for Alice Springs, a small town in the Northern Territory not far from that other great Aussie landmark, Ayers Rock, the world's largest monolith.

Abbreviation for alcoholic. As Dean Martin once said, 'If you drink, don't drive - don't even putt!'

A marble (generally made from glass if you can figure that one out). Sometimes known as an agate. Agate is also a euphemism for testicle for the obvious reason. Cricketers often 'cop one in the agates' if they don't keep their eye on that rising ball ... it certainly quietens them down for a minute or two!

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 楼主| 发表于 27-3-2009 22:59:50 | 只看该作者
all right
Phrase used to indicate that everything's okay. Occasionally pronounced 'orright' ... all right?

ankle biter
A yound child or, if you prefer, a rug rat.

ants' pants
Anything or anyone who is looking fabulous (and knows it) is said to be the ants' pants.

An Aussie soldier (or digger). Acronym for a member of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

apples, she'll be
Quaint expression of indeterminate origin indicating that everything will be okay.

Something that you are inspecting or trying out before you buy is said to be out on appro (approval). It's also my wife's nickname for me!

Np, not the result of a nasty shaving accident. Expression used when asking someone to wait a moment. 'I'll be with you in arf-a-mo.'

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 楼主| 发表于 28-3-2009 23:21:34 | 只看该作者
Rhyming slang for bottle - as one great drinker once said, 'I would rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy!'

arse (1)
Your buttocks, posterior, acre, dot, crack, anus, freckle, ring etc.

arse (2)
Uncanny good luck. More arse that class!

arse (3)

arse, given the (4)
To be fired.

arse, to give it the (5)
When something ceases to be of use, throw it out. (Husbands can also be given the arse.)

arse about, to (6)
To mess around with little or no purpose ... that's why you were given the arse in the first place you dummy!

arse about face (7)

arse about tit (8)
Back to front again!

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 楼主| 发表于 28-3-2009 23:28:02 | 只看该作者
arse over tit (9)
How you finish up when you fall over arsing about!

arse beats class (10)
If you manage to get through life depending more on luck than ability.

Arthur or Martha, doesn't know if he's (or she's)
A very confused person. Mind you, in these days of sex-change operations it's very hard to tell. My wife got a job at a sex-change clinic - says it's great. She gets to meet so many new men and women!

You see them verywhere ... art galleries, the opera, concert halls. People who have absolutely no knowledge of the arts but like to look as though they have. (See also wankers.)

Abbreviation for afternoon - 'See you this arvo!'

ashtray, as useful as an ... on a motorbike
Something totally useless. About the same as tits on a bull and a mountain goat who's afraid of heights (or a chameleon that's stuck on green!).

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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2009 15:21:36 | 只看该作者
Short for Australian mate! Pronounced as 'ozzie' not 'oss-see' as many Americans tend to do.

Aussie Rules
A fase moving football game played mainly in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory. The AFL (Australian Football League) grand final in Melbourne each September attracts almost 100,000 spectators. 'You bloody mug umpie!' ... primitive Aussie footy chant.

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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2009 15:29:01 | 只看该作者
Australian adjective, the great
Simply the best bloody word in the bloody world to describe every bloody thing from a bloody good time to a bloody awful time to a bloody good bloke to a bloody mongrel. Got the bloody idea ... that's bloody good then! (Quite acceptable profanity in any bloody company really - even with the bloody Archbishop!)

Australian salute
The constant waving of one's hand to brush away the ever-present blowie (blow fly). Some say the reason we don't kill 'em is because they're almost our national bird!

axe handle
Early unit of measurement. If a bloke is described as being ten axe handles across - be very polite to him. If a girl is described as having a bum that's the same - don't mention it!

Leterally it means 'I beg your pardon?' You know, when you didn't quite catch what sameone said. New Zealanders tend to use it as an exclamation ... 'Gee we had a good time at the cricket, ay!'

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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2009 15:37:52 | 只看该作者
Answering back. Impertinence. As a kid, I was an expert at backchat ... unfortunately for me my dad was an expert at backhand!

back-door bandit
Euphemism for male homosexual.

back o'beyond
Term used to describe any remote area of outback Australia

back o'Bourke
An outback town that actually exists. Where is it? Back o'beyond somewhere!

back up, to
Come in again for a second helping of something - generally food.

back up, to get someone's
To really annoy somebody ... like your missus when you don't ask for a second helping!

A very unattractive woman ... in fact so ugly, whenever she goes into a bank, the security cameras start throwing up film!

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 楼主| 发表于 29-3-2009 15:42:44 | 只看该作者
bag, the old
Uncomplimentary but affectionate term for either your wife or mother. (God knows what they call us behind our backs!)

If you have just been on the end of a bagging, you have just been severely criticised. Aussies are fond of bagging things just for the fun of it ... sometimes known as knocking - we're good at that too!

bag of fruit
Rhyming slang for a man's suit. Hey, nice thread - it's a shame someone's made them into such a terrible suit!

bags I go next
Inane expression of the desire tobe next in line for something.

bags, rough as
Untidy, uncouth, unattractive to the gaze. We are talking mega-ugly here!

bag your head!
Shut-up, get stuffed, be quiet, stick your head up a dead bear's burn etc.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-3-2009 23:46:22 | 只看该作者
bald as a bandicoot
So bald in fact that on my passport, they have my hair colour down as invisible!

ball and chain, the
Given the Aussie male's zealous regard for his freedom, the ball and chain could only be his wife, of course! We have the perfect marriage - she goes her way and I go her way!

If something goes terribly wrong, it's regarded as a balls-up ... a very close relation to the cock-up, stuff-up or screw-up.

ball tearer
In the testicular sense, something really exciting that causes them to spasm slightly.

banana bender
Our affectionate term for an inhabitant of the state where most of our bananas grow, Queensland.

Where the banana benders comefrom silly! Who could forget that great movie King Kong Loses His Banana!

bandicoot on a burnt ridge, like a
Alone, forlorn, despairing ... a bit like me at an orgy. I hate orgies. I never know who to thank when it's over!

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 楼主| 发表于 30-3-2009 23:52:13 | 只看该作者
In the pudding club, pregnant (see also up the duff!). My mother screamed a lot when she had me - and that was just during conception!

Expression meaning exactly right or well done!

bangs like a dunny door in a gale
Used to describe a female member (of the opposite sex!) who is rather indiscriminate with her sexual favours ... in short, a nymphomaniac.

bar, you wouldn't have a ... of him/her/it
Having nothing to do whatsoever with him/her/it.

What Americans like to call 'cook-outs'. I'm hopeless at barbequing ... those stupid baked beans keeps falling through the grill!

barge into
To interrupt a conversation or arrive unannounced.

A fight or violent disagreement ... nothing to do with The Flintstones. By the way, are Barney and Betty Rubble married in real life?

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 楼主| 发表于 1-4-2009 23:26:55 | 只看该作者
The Little Oxford Dictionary tells us barracking could be jeering, but to barrack for your favourite footy team in Australia is to shout encouragement. (In the U.S.A. they call it rooting for your team.) In Australia however, if you were found rooting in the bleachers, you'd probably be thrown in gaol as it's a form of fornication in these here parts!

bash (1)
A party or celebration. E.g. birthday bash.

bash (2)
To attack verbally. In Australia some favourite bashees include politicians (fair game), tall poppies, entrepreneurs, social climbers etc.

bash, give it a
To try one's hand at something. 'I'll give it a bash'. Indeed, I'm giving this book a bash! If it doesn't get bashed by the critics, I'll throw a book bash to celebrate.

bashing your brains out
Extreme thinking or studying. The hardest five years of my school life were Third Grade! (Boom boom!)

basket case
Anybody on the brink of mental exhaustion or collapse.

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 楼主| 发表于 1-4-2009 23:34:40 | 只看该作者
Yet another uncomplimentary way to describe an unattractive member of the fairer sex. How ugly? Her idea of birth control is getting undressed with the lights on!

bat and ball (1)
Rhyming slang for stall, as in when you bat and ball your car.

bat and ball (2)
When things don't go your way and you become petulant and depart, you are said to have 'picked up your bat and ball and gone home' (as in spoiling a game of cricket). (See also spitting the dummy and chucking the Glo-Mesh into the shagpile).

What us married blokes do when the missus is away visiting her mother. Derived from 'bachelor'.

Swimming trunks - you know, what bathers wear.

Honest, hard working folk who are the back-bone of any nation. In Australia we call them 'little Aussie battlers'.

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 楼主| 发表于 2-4-2009 00:13:39 | 只看该作者
Abbreviation of barbeque

beak (1)
Your proboscis, your hooter, your snout. People say I have a very big one. Actually, it's not - my face is just too small.

beak (2)
Your Honour, Your Worship, Your Hugeness, Your Bigness - yes folks, it's a judge or magistrate. When appearing in court, you are said to be 'going up before the beak'.

bearded clam, spearing the
A male term for fornication which, in all decency, needs no further explanations!

Generally used as an exclamation of delight. Variations include beaut!, bewdy! and bewdy bottler!

beddy byes
Where we all go when it's time for 'nye nyes'. I told my wife I wanted to die in bed. She said, 'Again?'

beef bayonet
The male sexual organ. (See also tummy banana, blue vein flute, junket trumpet, oh yes, and penis!)

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 楼主| 发表于 2-4-2009 00:24:39 | 只看该作者
beef to the ankles
Very fat! So fat in fact that Australia Post has given him his own postcode!

To give someone a bell is to literally ring them on the telephone. My wife spends so much time on ours, Telstra are thinking of putting her up for a sainthood!

A punch or haste. E.g. 'I'm just going to belt around the corner to give that bloke who ran off with my wife a good belting.'

better half
Henerally speaking, your wife. It's funny, they never call us their better half. In any case, I certainly know who wears the panties in my family!

bib and tucker
Used to describe quality clothing. 'He was decked out in his best bib and tucker.'

bible basher
Religious zealot. Personally, I think born again Christians are a bigger pain the second time around!

bib, stick your ... in
Interfering when you're not wanted.

big girl's blouse
An effeminate male.

Big Island, the
Nothing to do with Hawaii - it's what Tasmanians call Australia.

big note
If you brag about yourself, you are said to be 'big noting'. (See also wanking!)

big sticks
What Aussies call goal posts. If you dob it through the big sticks, you've just kicked a goal ... Also vague male reference to sexual intercourse.

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