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[综合信息] Bali, Thailand, African INTERNATIONAL FREESTAY

发表于 12-9-2010 20:13:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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我们今年和明年的HOLIDAY计划已经安排完毕, 所以这张VOUCHER就用不上啦, 两人一房apartment, 7 nights free stay, +25pp订房费
若人多需加费用,直接与Fight Centre 订

现 $100转让, 到期明年11月
Bali Palm Resort
Bali Shangrila
Tomtien Beach Hotel, Thailand
The Mnarani Club, Africa


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 楼主| 发表于 12-9-2010 20:16:43 | 只看该作者
Q.           How does the voucher work?  
A.           The voucher is for 2 people taking the 7 night freestay at one of the 4 nominated resorts.
Q.         How do I make a booking for the 7 night freestay?        
A.         All bookings are to be made through the nominated travel agent printed on your voucher.
Q.         Can I book over the phone /internet?        
A.         Our travel agents do not accept requests over the phone or internet. This is due to quality control and no exceptions will be made.
Q.         Can I call the resorts direct to make a booking?        
A.         No you must post your reservation request form direct to the nominated travel agent listed on your voucher. The resorts will not accept any enquiries unless through the travel agent. Please note that contacting the resort direct may render the voucher void.
Q.         How much notice do I need to give to make a booking?        
A.         A minimum 30 days notice is required to make a reservation.
Q.         Are there booking fees?        
A.         Yes there is a $25 per person booking fee.
Q.         Is the $25 booking fee refundable?        
A.         The booking fee is refunded only if your chosen dates are all unavailable, if your dates are confirmed the booking fee is non refundable, even if your circumstances change.
Q.         Do I need to purchase meals at the hotel to receive the 7 nights free?        
A.         No.
Q.         Can I take additional adults or children?        
A.         Yes you can take additional guests, please refer to the terms & conditions for upgrade fees.
Q.         Does the voucher cover airfares, food & beverage?        
A.         No. All expenses including travel, food & beverage are the sole responsibility of the recipient.
Q.         How do I organise airfares & transfers?        
A.         Our fully licensed nominated travel agents are more than happy to assist you with arranging your flights, transfers & insurance needs.
Q.         Can I give my voucher to another family member or friend?        
A.         No. All vouchers are registered under the name of the purchaser and are non transferrable.
Q.         Can I book accommodation during school or holiday periods?        
A.         Availability during school or holiday periods and special events are strictly limited. All accommodation is subject to availability.
Q.         Do you replace lost or misplaced vouchers?        
A.         Vouchers will be replaced for a fee $50 each.
Q.         How long do I have to redeem the voucher?        
A.         They are valid for up to 18 months, all vouchers will have an expiry date printed on them.
Q.         Can I request any dates within my validity period?        
A.         In most cases yes but please note resorts may have specified check-in days only.
Q.         What happens if I don’t use my voucher within the 18 months?        
A.         The voucher becomes null & void. If however you wish to revalidate this voucher for a further 18 months pending on our contractual arrangements with the properties, you may do so by returning your old voucher with an extension fee of $50 and we will issue a new voucher.

使用道具 举报

发表于 13-9-2010 09:44:21 | 只看该作者

how to solve this problem?

Q.         Can I give my voucher to another family member or friend?         
A.         No. All vouchers are registered under the name of the purchaser and are non transferrable.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-9-2010 15:36:12 | 只看该作者
I didn't notice this problem until a friend reminded me last night.. i gonna ask the travel agent, check out if there is another way to transfer... eg i wil book the hotel for the person who takes this voucher.

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