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发表于 21-1-2009 20:32:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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就此,我把Booklet 1, Partner Migration;Booklet 3, Parent Migration 以及各自的申请表格都反复的看了多遍。这一点我也是建议每一位申请人都必须要做的,我今天写的东西以后是否行得通,还是要看这些文件有没有做出改变,你还可以看看我的留学生移民策略。

我总结了一下,Booklet 1, Partner Migration;Booklet 3, Parent Migration 并没有对一方先行的买位做出任何限制。但是唯一的关卡在于买位移民申请表格47pa Q23 Will your spouse be migrating with you? If your spouse does not intend to migrate with you, attach a note explaining why and saying whether your spouse intends to join you later. 如果我不能justify另一方不同时移民的原因,移民局就可以据此把我锯掉。


New update 1: I noticed that the Shanghai Embassy website has updated their requirements for spouse migration. See below: http://www.china.embassy.gov.au/bjng/checklist1.html

General Documentation Requirements
• Evidence of the sponsor’s Australian Citizenship or Permanent Residence, such as a certified copy of their passport or Australian birth certificate;

• A Notarial Certificate of Birth for each applicant;

• 2 recent passport size photographs of you and any dependent child whether migrating or not, and 2 passport size photographs of your sponsor. Please write the name and date of birth on the back of each photo;

• Evidence of your sponsor’s employment in Australia. This may include a letter from his/her employer(s) (the letter should state what the sponsor’s salary is), pay slips or tax returns;

• Written declarations from you and your sponsor detailing the history of your relationship; and

• A copy of your passport.

But I think it is still worthy trying. It is not reasonable that unemployed ppl cannot get a spouse from overseas??? You probably have to provide assurance deposit of $5000 or above.

New update 2: http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/parent/143/index.htm 143签证持有者必须经过一定的等待期才能担保其他的PR签证,但是这一点暂时没有在booklet 1 and booklet 3中反映,根据初步的电话和email查询,等待期为2年,对已经取得143签证或已经递交申请者影响不祥,也不清楚如果不担保PR,担保TR签证是否就得到豁免。)

我需要的是一个100% legitimate合理合法的理由,那会是什么呢?

经济理由是我想出的第一条想法:目前钱不够了,刚买了房子啦。我还打电话去移民局问了一下是否可以,operator 说你可以把原因写上去,至于充不充足就要看移民官的个人判断。虽然答案不尽然令人满意但也是可以理解的。Call centre的operator最多只能帮助你了解程序上的东西,不能指望人家超逾职权给与你任何的保证。所以我还需要更好的合法的理由。

正在两难的时候,我在阅读别人的帖子里发现:有些坛友在父母探亲过来以后,想为他们续签,但是发现都不可以的,因为凡是从中国过来的探亲或旅游签证,全部附有8503 no further stay的限制条款(当然如果他们在申请探亲或旅游签证已申请了买位或排队移民的话,那么他们的探亲或旅游签证就应该没有8503,那么我的方法就很可能没那么好用了)。


然后,我要想的是,到底谁以旅游签证过来比较好呢?由于我妈妈的年纪相对比较轻,只有55岁,她如果日后用配偶签证可以享受的福利相对可能多些(这是我和 centrelink谈过后得出的结论,但具体有什么样的福利,还要等她登陆以后在centrelink做过正式评估后才能确定)。何况,我妈妈也想早点见到我,所以,决定就自然而然的下了。我妈妈先以探亲签证过来,然后申请爸爸买位,妈妈配偶(结婚五年以上,直接取得永居)。





Checklist of this Application Kit for Father - Contributory Parent (Temporary), Class UT, subclass 173 to Perth Offshore Parents Centre (POPC):

1.        Printed checklist of documents included in this application
2.        4 recent passport photographs of the Applicant (with his printed name on the back)
3.        Completed and signed application Form 47PA
4.        Completed and signed application Form 40 sponsorship for migration to Australia by Daughter
5.        Copy of valid passport – Father
6.        The birth certificate of Father
7.        Evidence of the balance of family test: the certificate of only-child relationship of Daughter (the sponsor) to Father (the applicant)
8.        The certificate of relationship between Father and Daughter
9.        The birth certificate of Daughter
10.        The marriage certificate of Father and Mother
11.        Certified copy of the Spouse (Mother)’s visa 676 with a “No further stay” attached to the visa
12.        The certificate of Title Deed of Real Estate – Father
13.        Commonwealth of Australia “STATUTORY DECLARATION” Form made by Daughter
14.        Certified copy of the marriage certificate of Daughter and Son-in-law
15.        Certified copy of Daughter’s citizenship approval
16.        Certified copy of Daughter’s driver license
17.        Certified copy of Daughter’s passport and permanent residence visa  (当时我们还没有拿到citizenship certificate, 所以才提供这个,否则就不用了)
18.        Certified copy Certified copy of Son-in-law’s citizenship approval
19.        Certified copy of Son-in-law’s driver license
20.        Certified copy of Son-in-law’s passport and permanent residence visa
21.        The business card and the recent payslip of Daughter
22.        The business card and the recent payslip of Son-in-law
23.        Certified copy of bank statements - the recent xxx bank statement for Son-in-law and Daughter and settlement receipts
24.        Certified copy of “Mortgage of land”
25.        Certified copy of utility bills
26.        Certified copy of the purchase contract of the property – Joint Owners (Son-in-law and Daughter)

1        I am the only child
2        Mum has a 8503 requirement on her visa: if the applicant is in Australia, an applicant may validly apply to POPC if they do not have a “No further stay” condition (e.g. 8503) attached to the visa that they hold at time of application. However, this is not the case for her.
3        Not enough money for both parents to be migrated at the same time (just bought a house)

1        2006年5月初,信用卡扣款(首期申请费$1,305)
2        2006年5月22日才收到FN letter
3        妈妈在2007年2月回国了
4        一直到2007年的3月中旬我才收到了补交材料和体检的通知,可见现在连买位移民都慢了,我看之前都是三四个月到半年就批下来的。要求补交(虽然只申请一个人,但是补交的材料都是两个人的,在我提出疑问后,移民官好心的把相关法律email给我):
•        FORM80 (两个人)
•        体检Forms 26 and 160(两个人)
•        无刑(两个人)
•        我和老公的结婚公证
5        2007年5月16日要求交VAC(二期申请费$16,710)和pre-grant letter
6        2007年6月5日收到准签 ,并去广州领事馆贴173签证(要求初次入境日期是在所交的无刑公证日期上加一年)
7        2007年6月下旬爸爸登陆
8                    两个星期后就可以帮爸爸办medicare卡

Checklist of this Application Kit for Father - Contributory Parent (Migrant), Class CA, subclass 143 to Perth Offshore Parents Centre (POPC):

1.        This checklist of documents included in this application
2.        1 recent passport photographs of the Applicant (with his printed name on the back)
3.        Completed and signed application Form 47PT
4.        Completed and signed application Form 40 sponsorship for migration to Australia by Daughter
5.        Certified copy of Father’s passport, 173 visa and stamps for initial entry into Australia

2007年6月28日收到143的FN letter.
2007年7月第一时间先把税报了,然后才能拿到税单,凑够两年 (要求每个财政年度的应税金额大概四万多到五万,我没有核实,大家可以打电话去Centrelink确认)-[最新更新:现在只需一年的税单就可以了,查看详情。2007年7月23日收到 “REQUIRED ASSURANCE OF SUPPORT”
2007年7月26日去centrelink做了ASSURANCE OF SUPPORT assessment,并交了$10,000的押金(为期十年)-  嘻嘻,我们在没有收到移民局的request前就提早作了booking
2007年7月31日收到2nd VAC payment request $11,730
(1)Holders of the Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa generally have immediate access to Medicare health services. Further information on Medicare, including the nearest centre to register for assistance, is available from:
• the Medicare website at www.medicareaustralia.gov.au
• the Medicare information line on 132 011

(2)Entitlement to English language tuition - The Government provides free English language tuition in Australia (up to a maximum of 510 hours or until you reach functional English, whichever comes first) through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) to people granted a migrant visa if they: • have been assessed as not having functional English language skills; and • were 18 years of age or over when they lodged their application. If you believe that you would be entitled to English tuition, make sure you register with an AMEP service provider within 3 months of grant of this visa. You are required to begin classes within 12 months of grant of this visa. Provisions exist to extend these time frames in certain circumstances. Information on this can be obtained through the service provider. There is no time limit for completion. You will find further details on the AMEP in the information form 994i 'Settlement information for migrants to Australia'.

(所以我在爸爸去得准签后不久就在AMES Box Hill给他先登记面试,并保留了一个免费英语学习的席位。)

2007年8月10日去了city的移民局贴爸爸的143签证(如果爸爸不亲自去的话,只要写张authorisation letter我就可以帮他贴了),并且交了妈妈的配偶签证申请费$1,390

Email: immigration.shanghai@dfat.gov.au
Tel: (021) 6279 8098 Fax: (021) 6279 8022
Australian Consulate General Shanghai, Visa Office, Suite 401 Shanghai Centre 1376 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai 200040, China
Telephone Enquiry hours: 9:00 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 16:30 Monday - Friday
Client Service Counter hours: 8:30 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 15:30 Monday - Friday

Checklist of this Application Kit for Mother (spouse visa 309 and 100 at the same time):

1.        Printed checklist of documents included in this application
2.        passport photo of father
3.        passport photo of mother
4.        form 886
5.        statements detailing the history of relationship between Father and Mother signed by father and mother
6.        form 888 signed by son-in-law
7.        form 888 signed by daughter
8.        police clearance certificate
9.        marriage certificate
10.        birth certificate
11.        original passport of mother
12.        form 80
13.        $1390 application fee receipt
14.        form 47SP
15.        father or mother’s or their joint account bank statements in Australia (防止要求提供assurance of support,留有两年足够的生活费用)
16.        father’s passport and  143 visa certified copy
17.        form 40SP

I put down the following notes in Q87 of Form 47SP
“I am making an application for a temporary and also for a permanent visa at the same time and on the same form. My spouse and I have been married for xx years. Our relationship has been strong. We have an only daughter. (according to booklet 1 – partner migration)

1        体检
2        Family photos


Please see the enclosed 994i form, Settlement information for migrants to Australia.  The form includes useful topics such as:
•        Social security:  Most newly arrived migrants to Australia must wait two years before they can receive most social security income support payments.  However as the holder of a permanent partner visa, you are exempt from the two year waiting period;
•        Health and Medicare:  You are eligible to enrol with Medicare, the Government health scheme; and
•        Language education:  You may be eligible to receive free English language tuition in Australia. )


676 vistor visa application fee $69
173 visa application fee        $1305
173 VAC                         $16710 (60% of total)
143 visa application fee        $185
143 VAC                         $11730 (40% of total)
Spouse visa 100 application fee $1390
And other expenses e.g. medical checks, police clearance, notary certifications, and mailing
                         cira   $1000
Total                           $32389
Plus assurance deposit          $10,000 (to be refunded after 10 years)


参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
lxbtiger + 30 谢谢分享!



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