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[证券外汇] [转载] Sell Australian Dollar on Commodities, Rate Outlook, ANZ Says

发表于 9-1-2009 13:35:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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By Ron Harui (Bloomberg)

Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Investors should sell Australia’s dollar as prices of commodities that the nation exports may fall and the central bank is likely to lower interest rates, according to Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.

The currency’s two-week rally makes an “ideal time” for Australian dollar sellers to put some hedges in place, analysts led by Amy Auster, Melbourne-based head of foreign exchange and international economics research at ANZ, wrote in a research note yesterday.

“ANZ projects further falls in commodity prices,” Auster and Amber Rabinov, an economist, wrote in the note. “The Australian dollar’s yield advantage should decline as the Reserve Bank of Australia continues to cut interest rates.”

The Australian dollar traded at 71.05 U.S. cents at 9:55 a.m. in Sydney from 70.14 cents late in Asia yesterday, when it reached 72.69 cents, the highest level since Oct. 8. The currency has rallied 4 percent since a one-week low of 67.62 cents on Dec. 24.

Australia’s fourth-largest bank predicts the local dollar will fall to 63 cents by the end of March and will weaken further to 54 cents by year-end, according to the note. The median forecasts of 39 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg News are for 62 cents and 66 cents, respectively.

The Reuters/Jeffries CRB Index of 19 raw materials fell for a second day, declining 1.2 percent yesterday. The Bloomberg UBS Constant Maturity Commodity Index of 26 components lost 1.8 percent.

Commodities including coal, iron ore, gold and oil account for 60 percent of Australia’s export revenue.

RBA Rate Bets

The benchmark interest rate in Australia is 4.25 percent, compared with 0.1 percent in Japan and as low as zero in the U.S., making the South Pacific nation an attractive destination for international investors seeking higher returns.

The Reserve Bank of Australia reduced the benchmark rate last year by three percentage points to a match a record low of 4.25 percent in the most aggressive monetary policy easing since a recession in 1991. The RBA started setting an interest-rate target in 1990.

Traders are betting the RBA will lower rates an additional 1.37 percentage points over the next 12 months, according to a Credit Suisse Group index based on interest-rate swaps.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ron Harui in Singapore rharui@bloomberg.net
Last Updated: January 8, 2009 18:44 EST

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发表于 12-1-2009 14:36:23 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 12-1-2009 17:32:37 | 只看该作者
估计他们怕热钱多过怕通涨,  澳洲央行利率仅次于NZ远远领先其他主要货币

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eur 欧元 2.50%
jpy 日元 0.10%
gbp 英镑 1.50%
aud 澳元 4.25%
nzd 纽元 5.00%
cad 加元 1.5%
chf 瑞郎 0.50%
via DailyFX财经网-外汇牌价-汇率-即时报价-汇市走势分析

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