Landscape Gardener
Landscape Horticulturist
Plans and constructs garden landscapes.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is an AQF Certificate III or higher qualification.
Tasks Include:
prepares plans and drawings, and schedules landscape construction
prepares specifications and quotations
prepares areas for landscape constructions by analysing sites and clearing debris
estimates and orders landscaping materials
selects materials and plants to create landscapes
sets out and installs hardscape and softscape structures
constructs or refaces steps, garden walls, fences, trellises, pergolas, ponds and fountains
constructs and installs facilities such as ferneries, barbecues, play structures and garden furniture
constructs paths, steps and paved areas with paving materials, gravels and timber
performs formative pruning
4623-11 General Gardener
Plants, cultivates and maintains parks and gardens.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is an AQF Certificate III or higher qualification.
Tasks Include:
conducts site assessments and soil analyses
prepares and maintains seedbeds and growing sites
propagates and plants trees, bushes and hedges, flowers and bulbs
prepares lawn areas by spreading top soil and planting grass, or by laying instant turf
maintains planted and grassed areas by weeding, trimming, fertilising, watering and mowing
identifies and treats weeds, pests and diseases
prunes trees and hedges, and installs plant support and protection devices
installs, operates and maintains drainage and irrigation systems
may grow and maintain indoor plants and conservatory displays
may construct features and facilities within gardens, such as paths or paved areas, rockeries, ponds and water features, and planter boxes
2121-13 Landscape Architect
Plans and designs land areas for projects such as open space networks, parks, schools, institutions, roads, external areas for all building types, land subdivisions, and commercial, industrial and residential sites.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification.
Tasks Include:
consults with associated professionals and clients on matters concerning external area designs, costs and construction
compiles and analyses site and community data on geographical aspects, ecology of area land forms, soils, vegetation, site hydrology, visual characteristics and human-made structures
formulates land use and development recommendations and prepares environmental impact statements
undertakes studies related to historical and conservation aspects of areas, site character analyses and feasibility planning
prepares reports, site plans, working drawings, specifications and cost estimates for land development showing location and details of proposals, including ground modelling, structures, vegetation and access
prepares and advises on contracts
inspects construction work in progress to ensure compliance with plans and quality standards
advises on landscape problems concerned with environmental planning
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