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Visual Studio 2010 Support For Multiple Monitors! Thiswill be possible thanks to Visual Studio 2010 providing a new coreShell UI (not to be confused with the Visual Studio Shell availabletoday that you can use to pack your own applications into) based on WPFthat will allow for cool stuff as floating tool windows that can bedragged outside the boundaries of the main IDE window.
If you have the Visual Studio 2010 CTP bits installed (download from here)you won't get this out of the box as the default setting is to use theold GDI-based Shell UI. In order to enable it just create a DWORD entrynamed EnableWPFShell and set it to 1 under the following registry key:
Todisable it, just remove the key or set it to 0. Why would you want todisable this very new cool feature? Because the current implementationis veeeery unstable. Just use it to test how moving the windows aroundand making your favorite layout feels like but for regular usage youwill want to disable it. Unstable here includes VS crashing very often,icons showing ugly, some features not working at all, etc.
Hereis a screenshot of how it looks like on my laptop with an externalmonitor, you can see the Object Browser floating around and overlappingthe main VS window at the bottom right corner and then, on the secondmonitor, how the Solution Explorer, Properties window and Error Listwindow are laying around totally outside the main VS window:
If you need a real photo to believe it here it goes:
Nowimagine some cool predefined layouts that you could customize and thatcould cover the most common tasks inside VS, like one for reading code,another one for debugging code, etc.
Disclaimer: I know my photographer skills are way under average, no need to remind me of it, my wife does so every single day...
Published Sunday, November 02, 2008 8:03 PM by vga Filed under: Visual Studio, General Software Development, Visual Studio 2010, WPF
Comments # re: Visual Studio 2010 Support For Multiple Monitors! Monday, November 03, 2008 6:06 AM by Rohland
You can do this already with Visual Studio 2008, you just undock the relevant windows.
# re: Visual Studio 2010 Support For Multiple Monitors! Tuesday, November 04, 2008 5:15 AM by Glen
You can do this with Visual Studio 2005 & 2008.
What we want is true multi-monitor support which would be to be ableto drag our code windows outside of the shell. How about a picture ofthat?
Most developers with multi-monitors (Which would be most, who intheir right mind only uses 1 screen these days) generally maximize VSover both screens then split the code windows vertically and drag thesplitter between the 2 monitors.
What would be nice is that the VS IDE has some setting which just does this for you. Not that hard to do. |