这个问题在投资和会计术语上叫“Negative Gearing”,当然另外一个方面就叫做“Positive Grearing”。
简单来说,如果你的房租Rent可以还清你的贷款,你的房子就是“Positive Gearing"的,这时你不仅不能退税,而且还要交税。但另一个方面如果你的Rent还不清你的贷款,你的投资就会出现一个”损失“,我们叫它“Loss”,这时候就可以将这个“Loss”从你的收入里扣除,从而产生减税的效果。例如,如果你的一年的Loss达到$10,000,而你的收入为$50,000,这样一减,你的收入就成了$40,000,你只按4万元缴税就行了。
还有一个概念叫做“Capital Gains Tax”,很多人都有误解,以为所有卖掉的房子都要交30%的税。其实这个“Capital Gains Tax”,也是收入税。例如上面的例子,如果你卖掉了房子获利$100,000,这时就要加到你的收入里,你的收入就成了$150,000,如果在买房的第一年里出售房产就按15万元收入缴税,一年后按获利的50%上税(+$50,000)。
关于Negative Gearing:http://www.dest.gov.au
6.5.1 Introduction to negative gearing
An applicant or their partner who reduces their taxable income by claiming a loss against rental property or a passive income earning investment will have to add back the value of the deduction (commonly known as negative gearing) for AIC purposes.
These deductions are to be self-declared at the time of application, by the applicant and, where applicable, his/her partner.
Investment and rental property losses flowing through to the individual(s) from investments or rental property owned in a trust or company are not taken into account for AIC income testing.
Any substantial changes in taxable income deductions from negative gearing, may warrant reassessment because of the effect on current or reverse current income.
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6.5.2 Definition of rental property
For the purposes of AIC ‘rental property’ owned by an individual person includes:
a house, home unit or flat;
a room in a house, home unit or flat;
an on-site caravan;
a house-boat;
overseas rental property; or
any other similar rental property.
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6.5.3 Definition of passive income earning investment
For the purposes of AIC a ‘passive income earning investment’ is an investment where the person spends less than 17.5 hours, on average, each week working on that investment.
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6.5.4 Valuing rental property losses (negative gearing)
Only the amount allowed as a taxable income deduction claimed by the relevant taxpayer (ie the applicant or partner), will be added to their income for AIC purposes. For example: a relevant person's taxable income may be reduced by $4,000 in share investment losses (negative gearing) - this amount will be added to that person's income for AIC purposes.
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6.5.5 Self declaration
The applicant or his or her partner is required to self-declare on the claim form, the net amount of negative gearing claimed against other taxable income in their individual or partnership income tax return.
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6.5.6 Compliance
The Centrelink Debt Recovery Unit will conduct compliance checks with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
[ 本帖最后由 wwwh 于 28-5-2007 14:31 编辑 ] |