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[技术探讨] 图片编辑及摄影、视频学习笔记 2025

发表于 22-8-2019 20:32:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 20-2-2025 23:37 编辑

Sunny 16 rule

The basic rule is, "On a sunny day set the aperture to f/16 and shutter speed to the [reciprocal of the] ISO film speed [or ISO setting] for a subject in direct sunlight."[1] For example:

On a sunny day and with ISO 100 film/setting in the camera, one sets the aperture to f/16 and the shutter speed (i.e. exposure time) to 1/100 or 1/125 seconds (on some cameras 1/125 second is the available setting nearest to 1/100 second).

On a sunny day with ISO 200 film/setting and aperture at f/16, set shutter speed to 1/200 or 1/250.

On a sunny day with ISO 400 film/setting and aperture at f/16, set shutter speed to 1/400 or 1/500.

For video setting on a sunny day, plus a 180-degree rule:

F/16, ISO 100, 1/100 for a good exposure photo.

F/16 to F/2.8, there are 5 full stops. (1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22, 32)

So 1/100 (1/125) to 1/4000, there are 5 full stops. (30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/8000)

So the new proper setting would have to be F/2.8, ISO 100, 1/4000.

In order to bring 1/4000 back to 1/125, that is 5 full stop down, a 5 full stop ND filter is required on a sunny day.

With a 5 full stop ND filter in place, the final proper setting on a sunny day for video purpose is F/2.8, ISO 100, 1/125 for 60 FPS recording.

Youtube Thumbnail Tips

- file size less than 2 MB
- 1280 x 720 Pixels, 300 Pixels/Inch (16:9)
- Select Subject
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + V
- Hold Ctrl + Mouse to move around
- Ctrl + T to bring up Transform (for photo or text)
- Ctrl + T to bring up Character Box (for text)



 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2019 20:40:50 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 22-8-2019 19:47 编辑

Cheat Table


 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2019 20:43:04 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2019 20:44:13 | 只看该作者
The Minimum Shutter Speed Rule for Shake-Free Photos

When not using a tripod or another type of support, photos tend to have ‘shake blur’ if the shutter speed falls below a particular number. This has been calculated and is given as:

1/focal length or 1/100, whichever is faster

Therefore, if you are using a full-frame camera with an 85mm lens, the minimum shutter speed you need to keep is 1/100 (because 1/100 is faster than 1/85). However, if you are using the same camera with a 300mm lens, the minimum shutter speed is 1/300.


发表于 23-8-2019 09:25:26 | 只看该作者


发表于 23-8-2019 11:50:18 | 只看该作者
wow, a new field to explore


发表于 23-8-2019 15:43:43 | 只看该作者



发表于 23-8-2019 15:54:54 | 只看该作者
ukphd 发表于 23-8-2019 14:43



发表于 23-8-2019 17:48:22 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 24-8-2019 20:47:18 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 24-8-2019 19:50 编辑

Edit your first photo

Bring out the best in your photos with these fundamental photo-editing techniques.

  • Crop and straighten
      Using the Crop tool, you can trim edges, change the shape and size of a photo, and even straighten a crooked shoreline or horizon.

  • Improve lighting and color
      Brighten a photo and make its colors pop using adjustment layers.   

  • Remove unwanted content
       Easily eliminate distracting elements with the Spot Healing Brush tool and the Patch tool.   

  • Add creative effects
       Convert color to black and white, add an old-fashioned tinted look, and play with focus using the Tilt-Shift Blur filter.   

  • Sharpen and save
      Apply a sharpen filter to give your photo a finishing touch. Then save your edited file in PSD format to preserve your layers for future editing. To share          your photo online or by email, save a copy as a JPEG.



 楼主| 发表于 24-8-2019 21:57:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 30-11-2019 22:59 编辑


For the last step which is Sharpening the photo before exporting, here is one way to try:

1. Add a new layer on top of the rest. (Ctrl-Shift-Alt + N)
2. Image - Apply image - Layer (Merged) / Blending (Normal) - (Preserve Transparency and Mask - unticked) - OK
3. Rename this layer to "Sharpen"
4. Desaturate this layer: Image - Adjustments - Desaturate. (Shift-Ctrl + U)
5. Right-click this layer, Convert to Smart Object.
6. Choose the layer blending mode from Normal to Overlay at its pull-down window.
7. To apply High Pass filter: Filter-Other-High Pass, zoom a little bit for a close look on the details, adjust the Radius (Pixels) to get the sweet spot.
7.1 Adjust the Opacity in order to change how strong the effect you want to get.
8. This is sharpening on the entire photo.
9. To only sharpen a part area of the photo, see another tutorial.
10. Ctrl-Shift-Alt+E: To merge everything below into one new layer.
11. Delete the rest old layers.



发表于 26-8-2019 09:17:41 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2019 21:14:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 29-11-2019 22:06 编辑


Sharpening Eyes Method One
B: Brush

Brush Size Adjustment:

Keyboard shortcuts:

Decreasing [
Increasing  ]

1. Make a copy of the background: Ctrl + J.
2. Convert the new copy into Smart Object: Filter-Convert for Smart Filters.
3. On this new layer, Filter-Sharpen-Smart Sharpen.
4. Adjust: Amount-500%, Radius-4~8px, Reduce Noise-45%~100%. All figures are relevant, try to find the sweet spot for your photo.
5. Every Smart Filter comes with a mask.
6. Select the mask (in white at the moment) of Smart Filters, Ctrl-I to invert mask from white to black.
7. Mask: black hides, white shows up.
8. Dig a brush, adjust the Flow to 10~15%.
9. For tablet, choose brush - Soft Round Pressure Opacity and Flow.
10. Decrease the brush size to suit the object you are going to work, like eyes, face or lips. (Keyboard: [ or ])
11. Slowly and gradually using the brush to paint on the area where you wanna sharpen, like eyes.
12. If using a tablet, you can increase the Flow setting a little bit more, because you can control the real Flow by pressing the stylus.
13. If you need to remove some area out of the sharpening, change the white and black background icon once, by pressing X once.
14. Remember to press X again to bring white to the front.



 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2019 21:29:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 27-8-2019 20:34 编辑

Ctrl-Shift-Alt-E: To create a merged layer of everything you see on the canvas.

Ctrl-W: To close the present photo.

Ctrl-O: To open a photo.



 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2019 22:08:13 | 只看该作者
Photoshop CC Camera RAW Trick

When opening a RAW file in Photoshop, it will automatically bring the RAW file into Camera RAW, where you are able to do some pre-adjustment on the RAW file before it is opened in Photoshop.

Trick: once you finished the pre-adjustments on the RAW file and you are about to click the button "Open Image", press and hold Shift button, the "Open Image" button will change to "Open Object". Click the "Open Object" button, you can open the RAW file in Photoshop without fixing all those pre-adjustment and you are able to bring everything back to original.



 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2019 22:29:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 30-11-2019 22:21 编辑


What to do in Camera RAW:

Keep eyes on the photo and find the sweet spot.

Tab Basic:

1. Bring Highlights down. -60
2. Bring Shadows back. +45
3. Add Clarity. +30
4. Adjust Temperature if necessary.
5. Adjust Tint if necessary.
6. Boost Contrast. +10
7. Whites. +20
8. Blacks. -15
9. ......

Remember click and hold "Shift" then "Open Object".








Quickest Way to White Balance a Photo:

If the photo has a colour cast, we need to remove the colour cast so that we can neutralize the image.

You can use either the "Levels", or the "Curves Adjustment Layer". Both have an "Auto" button which can be used to adjust the photo automatically.

We are going to use "Curves" this time.

If I simply hit the "Auto" button, you'll notice that Photoshop will make an adjustment, and that adjustment won't necessarily be the best adjustment.

Photoshop actually has different algorithms that it uses to determine how to colour correct the image automatically.

You can access those algorithms by holding Alt and clicking on the Auto button to bring up the "Auto Colour Correction Options".

Another way to get to that is by clicking on the fly-out menu, and selecting "Auto Options".

You'll notice that on the top of the window, you'll have four different algorithms. By default, Photoshop selects "Enhance Brightness and Contrast", and you have different algorithms that you can choose from.

The algorithm that I prefer is the "Find Dark & Light Colours" algorithm. I believe that it gives the best results in most cases. I also like to check the "Snap Neutral Midtones", and you can see that by simply doing that, I've colour corrected this image.








How to Remove Colour Cast








Fix Skin Tones Fast / Removing Colour Casts with Photoshop








Strong Colour Cast Removal

1. Drag the thumbnail of a background image layer to the "Create a new layer button", the blank sheet of paper, at the bottom of the layers panel. This will create a background copy layer.
2. Filter - Blur - Average, which will average all of the pixel values together to create a single colour representing our colour cast. Obviously, I don't want to apply this colour to the image. I want to apply its opposite.
3. Image - Adjustments - Invert, to invert this colour to its opposite. I want to use this inverted colour cast to offset the colour in the actual image. Since I only want to affect the colour. I'll change the blend mode using the pop-up at the top left of the layers panel for my background copy layer to the colour blend mode. This will cause the background copy layer to only affect the colour in the underlying image.
4. As you can see it has offset the colour cast but the effect is a bit too strong. So I'll simply reduce the opacity setting until I find a more appropriate value that offsets the colour cast allowing the original colours to show through.
5. I can then continue adjusting the image for example by adding a hue/saturation adjustment that will boost the colours in the underlying image to produce a more natural result.








Easy Fix for White Balance in Photoshop  

1. Create a new layer: Ctrl-Shift-N.
2. Fill it with 50% gray: Shift-Backspace, Contents: Use: 50% Grey, Blending: Mode: Normal, Opacity: 100%.
3. Select the layer and change the blending mode to Difference.
4. Add a new Threshold adjustment layer.
5. You can see the histogram and a slider, drag the slider all the way to the left and now the image should be completely white.
6.  Dragging the slider slowly to the right, you will see some dark areas starting to show up, drag it a little bit more to the right around the 20,25 or so Threshold Level.
7. Choose the Eye Dropper by pressing the I letter on your keyboard and zoom into the dark area by holding Z and clicking that area.
8. Hold down Shift and click on the dark area, you will notice a little marker, that means you just pinpointed that area.
9. Ctrl-0 to fit your image on the screen and we are going to hide the threshold layer and grey layer for now.
10. Select the bottom layer and I will add a curves adjustment layer.
11. You can see there are 3 eye droppers.
12. Choose the grey eyedropper, zoom in close again to the marked area by holding Z and click exactly on that mark.
13. And that should fix your white balance.
14. Ctrl-Shift-Alt-E: To create a merged layer of everything you see on the canvas.
15. If you like, you can delete the threshold layer, grey layer, the curves adjustment layer and the background layer.



 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2019 23:33:41 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 29-11-2019 21:56 编辑


After Camera RAW:

Remove Blemishes first:

1. Create a new layer: Ctrl-J.
2. Name the layer Blemishes.
3. Select "Healing Brush Tool".
4. Take a sample of the clean area near the blemishes by pressing Alt and click the sample spot.

In order to see blemishes clearly, we can create another adjustment layer called "Black & White" on top.
- take down the Reds all the way.
- take down the Yellows just a little bit.
- Increase the Blues.
Now you can see clearly where the blemishes are.

5. Select back to the layer "Blemishes".
6. Select "Healing Brush Tool". (Can also use Patch Tool - J, with which you can circle the defective spot and drag it towards to nearby area)
7. Make sure the Sample: "Current & Below".
8. Then Alt-Click Sample, Click Paint, Alt-Click Sample, Click Paint, ...

After finishing removing all blemishes, remember to delete the adjustment layer of "Black & White"

After deleting the adjustment layer and removing all the blemishes, remember to add a merged layer before entering the next step.

This merged layer is a layer of everything you see on the canvas, or for this case, is a merged layer with blemishes removed.

To do that, press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-E.
WACOM and keyboard short cut:

J: Patch Tool
Z: Zoom In
Z, then hold Alt: Zoom Out
Ctrl+0: Display Photo in FullHold Space: Palm Move or Hand Tools




 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2019 23:44:27 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 6-9-2019 22:39 编辑

Z: zoom
Under zoom, left-click and hold then drag to zoom in or zoom out.

J: Healing Brush Tool

Space: Hand Tools



 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2019 23:58:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 29-11-2019 23:07 编辑

Frequency separation.

Separate the high frequencies from the low frequencies.

In the high frequencies, we have skin texture. In the low frequencies, we have skin colour and skin tone.

By separating the two frequencies, we can work on them separately. You want to soften the skin, at the same time, we can retain the skin texture.

Add another layer (copy): Ctrl-J.

Name the previous merged layer: Colour.
Name the new copied layer: Texture.

Turn off the layer of Texture.

Select the layer of Colour.

Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur.

Decrease the Radius all the way to 0.1 Pixels, take a sample on an area where there are many wrinkles. Now you can see a lot of wrinkles as the Radius is set 0.1 Pixels. Just increase the Radius to the point that the skin textures go away. You can sample a couple of places, just make sure all skin textures go away. Click Ok once you are happy with the setting.

Turn on the layer of Texture.

Select the layer of Texture.

Image-Apply Image.

Select Colour for layer, RGB for Channel, Subtract for Blending, 2 for Scale, 128 for Offset. Click Ok once that is done. (Make sure: 100% for Opacity, unchecked for Preserve Transparency and Mask...)

Change the blending mode of the layer of Texture into Linear Light.

Now make a group of both of these.

Click one of the two layers, then Ctrl-Click another one to select both layers. Ctrl-G to make a group of both.

Create another layer between these two layers. You can create as many layers as you wish, each layer might work for a single part of the photo, such as Nose, Wrinkle, Lips... For each layer, you can adjust its Opacity from 100% to whatever you like in order to bring the effect down a little bit.

Now we start to work on one layer, for example, we name it Nose.

Take the brush, make sure the Flow is very low, under 10 or even under 5, this time we adjust Flow to 2%.

To work on the colour repainting process, you can turn off the layer of Texture for now.

Now, ask yourselves what do I want that area to be coloured in, how do I want that area to look like.

Zoom out to see the photo as a whole in order to tell which colour is right.

Make sure you sample enough pixels.

Select the tool of Sampler (Eyedropper). Change the Sample Size from Point Sample to 11 by 11 Average.

Come back to the Brush. Start Sample, Paint, Sample, Paint, .... on the layer of Nose. (Use the keyboard shortcut to toggle: I and B)



 楼主| 发表于 30-8-2019 21:13:20 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 6-9-2019 19:19 编辑

Frequency Separation

Makes two new layers on top of the original photo: Ctrl-J and Ctrl-J again.

Name them as Colour and Texture.

Turn off the layer of Texture first.

Select layer of Colour.

Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur.

Turn down the Radius all the way to 0.1%, then increase it slowly up to where the texture of skin is about to show up. Normally it is around 5~8%.

Then go to the layer of Texture.

Select the layer of Texture.

Image-Apply Image...

If the image is 16 BIT:

Select the layer: Colour, Channel: RGB, Checked Invert, Blending: Add, Opacity: 100%, Scale: 2, Offset:0, Unchecked Preserve Transparency, Unchecked Mask... Click OK.

Then change the blending mode to Linear Light for the layer of Texture.

Group these two layers of Colour and Texture: Select one layer, then press and hold Ctrl, select another layer, Ctrl-G.

If the image is 8 BIT:

Select the layer: Colour, Channel: RGB, Unchecked Invert, Blending: Subtract, Opacity: 100%, Scale: 2, Offset:128, Unchecked Preserve Transparency, Unchecked Mask... Click OK.

Then change the blending mode to Linear Light for the layer of Texture.

Group these two layers of Colour and Texture: Select one layer, then press and hold Ctrl, select another layer, Ctrl-G.

Once the above steps finished, go to the layer of Texture first.

Select the layer of Texture.

Pick up the Patch tool from Toolbox.

Use the Patch tool to remove all the blemishes first. Remember to drag the circled the defective area to where has a better texture, normally the nearby area.

After removing all blemishes, go to the layer of Colour.

Select the layer of Colour.

Make sure working on the layer of Colour from now on.

Pick up the Brush tool from Toolbox. Select Brush type: Soft Round Pressure Opacity and Flow. Mode: Normal. Opacity: 100%. Flow: 3~6%.

Sample the colour from the area has good colour, then paint the colour to the area you want to change its colour.

After all above steps finished, if you feel the photo look like too even, you can add some contrast by using Curves.

Select the layer of Group.

Add a new adjustment layer of Curves...

Normally just drag the left corner point towards the right side a little bit in order to increase the contrast a little bit.

You can also move this adjustment layer of Curves on top of the layer of Group.
After finishing the Curves.

Ctrl-Shift-Alt-E to add a merged layer of everything underneath.

Name it Merged Layer.


Under Shadows, Tuning (increasing) Amount, Tone, Radius in order to brighten up a little bit on Shadows.

Under Adjustments, bring Colour up in order to add some colour to the Shadows.



 楼主| 发表于 31-8-2019 10:56:16 | 只看该作者
A Complete Guide to Retouching Portraits in Photoshop for Free

https://fstoppers.com/bts/comple ... hotoshop-free-98236



 楼主| 发表于 31-8-2019 11:09:58 | 只看该作者
Camera Raw

People often confuse Camera Raw as the place where special effects and filter adjustments are made. However, CR helps create a foundation for which to continue editing on Photoshop. CR is not where amazing results happen. It’s used to make RAW adjustments like, bringing back some detail in the highlights, adjusting the white balance.

With that in mind, it is important to avoid making global adjustments like using the exposure and contrast slider. Adding contrast is something that can be done manually in the editing process, if you add contrast in CR you will notice toning issues on the skin and eyes becoming dark and unrecoverable. If there is something small that is bothersome, for example the skin is on the darker side, there are methods to brightening that without using the exposure slider which over brightens the background in the process. Hit up the luminosity slider, the orange and red slider can be used to brighten the skin and leave everything else alone. Clarity is frowned upon but about 10 usually makes the image pop and makes dodging and burning easier. It will make flaws such as pimples stand out more but that's ok since you will spot heal that later anyways.


 楼主| 发表于 31-8-2019 11:34:48 | 只看该作者
How to Remove Eye Bags in Photoshop




发表于 3-9-2019 18:45:51 | 只看该作者
路过  拿点经验


 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2019 09:38:51 | 只看该作者
betsy520 发表于 3-9-2019 17:45
路过  拿点经验



 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2019 20:22:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 29-11-2019 23:00 编辑


Add a merged layer of everything you see by now: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-E.

To brighten up a specific area of a photo.

Duplicate the original photo: Ctrl-J

On the newly added layer, Image-Adjustments-Shadows/Highlights.

Normally don't adjust Highlights here. Leave it alone.

Under Shadows, you can increase the Amount, Tone and Radius in order to light up the photo's Shadows.

Under Adjustments, you can increase Colour a little bit in order to bring some colour to the Shadows.

Now add some contrast to the photo by using a Curves adjustment layer.


Skin Tone

Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Curves.

Drive the middle part of the curve up a little bit. Then invert this layer by Ctrl-I, and paint white with our brush, right over the top of the subjects face or skin.

Notice that it's gonna brighten everything at the same time, we really don't want that. We just kind of want  to focus on the highlights. So double clike on our curves adjustment layer and we'll hold Alt and click and drag from the left to the right on Underlying Layer Bar, it is gonna focus this on just the highlights and darker part is kind of being ignored. So what this is gonna do is add a little bit more interest and a little bit of brightness to the highlights of the photo.

To finish this off we're going to increase the Saturation and then fine-tune the colour in her skin tone.

Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Hue/Saturation.

Bring up the Saturation just a little bit.


To target the skin tone.

Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Selective Colour.

Choose Red at Colours, then give it just a little bit less Yellow, give a little bit more Magenta and a little bit more Cyan. Just take that like yellowish tone out of the skin and we are done.


To remove purple edge.

Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Selective Colour.

Choose Magentas at Colours, then give it More Cyan give a little bit less Magenta, a little bit more Yellow, more Black.



 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2019 23:10:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 6-9-2019 22:52 编辑

B: Brush

Brush Size Adjustment:

Keyboard shortcuts:

Decreasing [
Increasing  ]



 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2019 21:11:21 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2019 22:02:05 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 11-9-2019 20:51 编辑


Darken a Background and Make Your Subject Pop.

0. Add a merged layer of everything you see by now: Ctrl-Shift-Alt-E.
1. On this new layer, add an adjustment layer of Curves.
2. Grab the middle of the Curve and drag this down. You can drag straight down (more gradually) or bend a little bit to the right lower corner (more dramatically).
3. Make sure its Mask is selected, it is in White at the moment.
4. Hit B for Brush tool, adjust the Opacity: 100%, Flow: 100%, Smoothing: 10%
5. Make sure the Brush is in Black mode.
6. Remember the Mask: Black hides, white shows up.
7. For tablet, choose brush - Soft Round Pressure Opacity and Flow.
8. Adjust the brush size to suit the object you are going to work, such as the whole body of the model.
9. Slowly and gradually using the brush to paint on the area where you do not want to darken.
10. Hit Q to visualise the mask you already painted.
11. Hit X to toggle the Brush between Black mode and White mode.
12. Decrease the Opacity to 20~30% if you want to lessen the effect on some areas.



 楼主| 发表于 11-9-2019 23:17:11 | 只看该作者
How to Correct Skin Tones.



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