
楼主 |
发表于 29-10-2018 12:52:41
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 1-11-2018 12:54 编辑
- biology, nutrition and health: what helps us and hurts us
- teaching: the key point is your own interpretation/analysis/reaction to what you're reading linked with something that might be going on in the world; not merely retelling
- listen to the lecture recording so as to get the most of it, not to read the transcript
- dieting assessment is difficult
- carbohydrates = carbon + water = come in the form of sugar + starches = from many sources (refined sugar, milk, fruits)
- sugars - used by the body to produce energy; can be converted into fat // sugar types: glucose (the most common one), fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose (from milk), maltose
- we eat too much simple sugars while we eat too little complex carbohydrates
- glycemia (the level of glucose in blood) (elicits insulin response)
high-glycemic: potatoes/bananas, white bread/white rice, refined cereals, soft drinks, sugar
low-glycemic: most legumes/whole fruits, whole wheat, oats, bran, brown rice, barley, whole grain cereals
- fat = animal sources (coupled with cholesterol) e.g. fat, butter, egg, milk + vegetable oils
cholesterol synthesised in the liver = HDL (high-density lipoproteins) + LDL
hydro.genation is to keep fat from becoming rancid
saturation = saturated (lard) + monounsaturated (olive, olive oils, nuts) + polyunsaturated (corn, soy bean, sunflower, seafood)
trans fatty acids (trans fats) = partially hydrogenerated oils = unsaturated fatty acides formed during the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils
multiple commercial benefits: long shelf life; stable during deep frying, semisolid nature enhances palatability
- we know about diet and health first from epidemiology studies (observational studies) then from intervention studies (working with samples = cohorts / snapshort / meta analysis
- malnutrition (poor nutrition) = undernutrition + overnutrition + unhealthy eating/foods
- body mass index = lean (20-23 probably the best) + overweight + obese // underweight & overweight goes up in risk of death (cardiovascular disease mortality). Overweight women are likely more to get type II diabetes
- Mediterranean diet (the best)
high in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, fish, red wine (moderate)
tend to low in meat, dairy, other alcohol
- general advice on what to eat: eat food (real food) in moderate