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今天下午共用一个fence 的邻居来敲门,(她家的门是朝另一个方向开的,所以平时几乎碰不到面的),很认真地送了一份打印好并签了名的信。信里说fence 歪了,要我们付全部的责任。去年她老公在靠近隔墙旁捣鼓房车时曾和我们打招呼,说他准备叫人来修正一下,到时候可能会很乱所以和我们说一声。现在他老公拖着大房车出去了(老头年年冬天都会拖着房车出去几个月,因为不喜欢下雨的季节),老太拿着这份措辞强硬的信过来让人很不舒服,原意是这样的,请大家帮忙出出主意。
I understand, in the latter part of last year my husband ,Robert Hepburn, brought to your attention our concern regarding the above-mentioned dividing fence which has,and is,showing signs of being pushed out of alignment , I also understand you advised him you would attend to the problem on your return in February of this year.
Clearly, to date, you have taken no corrective action. We therefore feel it necessary to again make you aware of the prospect of impending damage, and respectfully request you rectify this problem without delay.
As the problem is very obviously not being caused by any mis-management on our side of the above mentioned fence(as photos will verify), we feel obliged to advise any costs incurred for corrective measures are solely your responsibility.
Please feel free to contact us if you would like to view the fence from our side.
本来是她老头子提出来修的,我们当时还想着大概会让我们承担一部分费用的,现在变成是当时是让我们修而没修,还全权负责,真是瞎话。想问一下大家这种情况要找这么人检查裁定到底是谁的责任?保险公司会付保吗? |