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[其他] 某吃货老外罗列27种在阳朔吃过的美食引起惊呼-照片拍得不錯

发表于 15-9-2014 13:11:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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January 24, 2012 By Mark Wiens  26 Comments

Chinese food……is simply one of the word’s most widely enjoyed and most influential cuisines.Throughout my stay in Yangshuo, China, I was able to sample quite a few dishes – many of them were mouthwatering delicious!中国菜……这个词代表的是最受欢迎、最具影响力的美食。呆在中国阳朔期间,我品尝了很多美食——大部分都是令人口水横流的美味!Here are 27 Popular Chinese Dishes!这就是广受欢迎的27中国菜

Beer Fish (Pijiu Yu 啤酒鱼), Yangshuo, China1. Yangshuo Beer Fish (Pijiu Yu 啤酒鱼)At first I found it hard to believe that “beer fish” is one of the most iconic dishes served in Yangshuo, China (it just doesn’t sounds too Chineezy?).Normally the dish is made with an entire fresh water river fish chopped up into chunks and simmered in a sauce filled with tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, and a splash of beer to liven-up the sauce.Beer fish is one of the most popular Chinese dishes to enjoy in Yangshuo!起初我很难相信“啤酒鱼”是中国阳朔最标志性的菜肴之一(它听起来不是很中国?)这道菜通常是由整条淡水河鱼切成块,和大量的西红柿、辣椒、洋葱、飞溅的啤酒混合成的酱一起炖。啤酒鱼是阳朔最受欢迎、最值得品尝的中国菜之一!

Taro, Pork Fat Roll (Lipu Taro Roll 荔浦芋头扣肉)2. Taro Pork and Fat Roll (Lipu Taro Looped Roll 荔浦芋头扣肉)Another famous dish in Guilin and Yangshuo is the lip-licking Lipu Taro Roll 荔浦芋头扣肉.The meat-loaf looking blob is a combination of alternating slices of fatty pork belly and soft mashed taro. The thick brown sweet peppery gravy glazes the ingredients and it’s absolutely.在桂林和阳朔,另一个著名的菜肴就是荔浦芋头扣肉。看上去像是肉包裹着的团状物实际上是肥五花肉片和软芋头泥的结合。上面淋着厚厚的棕色甜胡椒味的肉汁,真是令人食指大动。

Stir Fried Eggplant3. Stir Fried Eggplant in Chili Sauce (Shao Qie Zi 烧茄子)I have a very soft spot in my heart for eggplant.In my opinion it’s a wonder vegetable that can be cooked in almost anyway to taste delightful. From Egyptian street food to Sri Lankan food, eggplant is made deliciously across the globe! This is one of the dishes I learned to took at the Chinese cooking school.我一直对茄子深怀好感。在我看来,茄子简直是蔬菜里的奇迹,不管你以什么方式来煮都能做出美味来。从埃及的街头食品到斯里兰卡佳肴,茄子被做成的美味遍布全球!这也是我在中国的烹饪学校学会的一个菜肴。

Pork Stuffed Tofu4. Pork Stuffed Tofu猪肉豆腐酿Deep fried little balls of soft tofu are emptied out and stuffed with a mixture of minced pork, green onions and oyster sauce. They are steamed until they become perfect little pork balls – perfect with a bowl of rice.油炸过的小软豆腐球去掉里面的豆腐心,塞入碎猪肉、葱和蚝油的混合物,然后蒸,直到它们变成完美的小肉球,与米饭搭配绝佳。

Tomato and Egg Noodles5. Tomato and Egg over Noodles番茄蛋面The combination of stir fried tomato and egg was never so appealing until I visited China. It is popular in Guangxi province, China, as a solo dish, or over the top of rice or noodles.番茄炒蛋的组合从未如此吸引我,直到我来到中国。这个菜在中国广西非常流行,可以作为一个菜,也可以配在米饭和面条上面。

Tomato and Egg Noodle Soup6. Tomato and Egg Noodle Soup西红柿鸡蛋面汤Tomato and egg is equally as delicious, if not more tasty, in noodle soup. This particular bowl from Gan’s Noodles in Yanghsuo, was exceptional.番茄和鸡蛋是同等的美味,如果不会更美味,那一定是在面汤里了。但这碗独特的阳朔甘氏(音译)面馆的面汤是个例外。

Bitter Melon and Egg7. Bitter Melon and EggAlong with tomato and egg, bitter melon and egg is another one of the popular Chinese dishes to eat in Yangshuo. It goes so well with a fresh bowl of rice and a scoop of Guilin chili sauce!像番茄炒蛋一样,苦瓜炒蛋是另一个在阳朔吃到的流行的中国菜。它与一碗热腾腾的的米饭再加一勺桂林辣椒酱搭配简直绝了!

Stuffed Li River Snails 阳朔酿田螺8. Stuffed Li River Snails (阳朔酿田螺)Many Chinese tourists head straight for the stuffed Li River Snails – one of Yangshuo’s popular speciality dishes. There is actually very little snail meat and most of the shell is filled up with minced pork and spices.These little guys go down great with a few cups of Chinese tea!许多中国游客直奔阳朔就是为了那被塞满的漓江田螺——一个广受欢迎的特色菜肴,实际上是一点非常小的田螺肉,壳的大部分是塞满了切碎的猪肉和香料。这些小家伙佐以一杯中国茶,没得顶!

Little Fried Li River Shrimp - Popular Chinese Dishes9. Little Fried Li River Shrimp油炸小河虾Along with the stuffed snails that come from the Li River are the deep fried bite-sized Li River Shrimp. I think they are the same variety of shrimp that are used in Thai dancing shrimp, but these guys are stir fried up with a little rice wine, some salt and pepper.和田螺酿一道来自漓江的是很小的油炸漓江虾。我想它们与泰国活跳虾是相同的品种,但这些是与一些米酒、盐和胡椒一起煎。

Deep Fried Fish Hot Pot10. Deep Fried Fish Hot Pot炸鱼块火锅Hot pots are your best friend in Yanghsuo.They are cheap, huge, and extraordinarily delicious! Though you can get a choice of meat, I often opted for fish. This pot contained deep fried meaty chunks of river fish soaked in an awesome chili soup that also included bean sprouts and cilantro.火锅是你在阳朔的最佳伴侣。火锅很便宜,但非常好吃!你可以选择肉类,我常常选择的是鱼。在这锅中,炸过的河鱼块浸泡在棒极了的辣汤里,还有豆芽和香菜。

Thin Slice Fish Pot11. Thin Sliced Fish Pot鱼片锅This version of hot pot in Yangshuo included extremely thin strips of raw fish. Everyone grabbed a strip of fish with their individual chopsticks, plunged it into the boiling cauldron of soup and in a matter of seconds it was ready to be drenched in the chili garlic sauce and be devoured!在阳朔,这个版本的火锅包括极薄的生鱼片。每个人都用自己的筷子夹了一片鱼,把它浸入沸腾的大锅汤,只要几秒就可以蘸大蒜辣椒酱开动了!

Popular Chinese Dishes - Sichuan Style Chili Fish Hotpot12. Sichuan Style Chili Fish Hotpot四川水煮鱼There’s not a lot I like better in this world than Sichuan Shuizhuyu – to me it’s the pure form of food generated ecstasy.While it’s not a dish that is native to Gaungxi Province, luckily a few Sichuan specialities have found their way to Yangshuo!在这世上我喜爱的没有多少东西比得上四川水煮鱼——对我来说它就是一种伴随着狂喜而形成的纯粹形式的食物。虽然它不是广西的本地菜,但幸运的是,一些像它一样的四川特色佳肴可以在阳朔找到!

Clay Pot Rice and Toppings13. Clay Pot Rice and Toppings煲仔饭Another Yangshuo Chinese food speciality is rice cooked in a clay pot and served with a choice of stir fried vegetables and meat. The high heat of the clay pot gives the rice a slight crunch along the edges!另一种阳朔菜的特点是你可以选择炒过的的蔬菜、肉和米饭等放在一个沙煲里搅拌。沙煲的高温可以使大米略微紧缩糊在边上!

On of the Most Popular Chinese Dishes - Guilin Noodles 桂林米粉14. Guilin Noodles (桂林米粉)One of the local homegrown comfort foods in Guangxi Province and around the Guilin area is Guilin Noodles.A bowl of these delicious rice noodles loaded with toppings is cheap and available everywhere. The noodles are famous to eat in Guilin and one of the more popular Chinese dishes in the region.在桂林周围有一种美食叫桂林米粉,它是广西省当地土生土长的爽心美食之一。这种满满一碗淋满佐料的美味米粉经济实惠,随处可见。这种面因可在桂林吃到而闻名,也是当地相当受欢迎的中国美食之一。

Steamed Dumplings (Jiaozi 餃子)15. Steamed Dumplings (Jiaozi 餃子)Steamed dumplings known as Jiaozi 餃子 are popular throughout Chinese food.The interiors are filled with a variety of ingredients throughout Chinese cooking, though these were filled with minced pork and chives.蒸饺子在中国很受欢迎。饺子内部充满了各种包含中国烹饪特色的材料,虽然相片的这些的是碎猪肉和韭菜。

Chinese Pickled Vegetables16. Chinese Pickled Vegetables酸嘢Around the center of Yangshuo, near the park are a number of street stalls that set up and serve take-away bags of pickled vegetables. They are perfectly vinegary and heavy on glorious chilies. I particularly found the young pungent ginger (pictured) to be incredible!在阳朔市中心或公园附近,很多街道摊位都有可带走的袋装酸嘢卖。他们非常酸,也很辣。尤其是辛辣子姜(如图)我发现好吃得难以置信!

Yangshuo Barbecue17. Yangshuo Barbecue阳朔BBQYangshuo barbecue restaurants serve a selection of skewered meats and vegetables that you self choose and then each stick of food is either fried or grilled.I choose a few vegetables, some wonderful eggplant, and a pig’s penis (a little chewy..).阳朔BBQ餐厅提供可以自选的蔬菜和肉类,每根食物可炸可烤。我选了一些蔬菜,一些美妙的茄子,还有猪鞭(有点嚼头……)

Yangshuo Grilled Spicy Tofu18. Yangshuo Grilled Spicy Tofu阳朔炙烤香辣豆腐One of the most delicious little snacks on-the-go is Yangshuo’s spicy tofu pieces. They can be found grilling on the back of bicycles all over town.After ordering the vendor sprinkles on cumin, green onions, and a choice of a variety of Chinese pickles.阳朔的香辣豆腐串是最美味的可带走的街头小吃之一。它们在镇上的移动烧烤摊上随处可见。叫摊主撒上孜然、绿洋葱,还可以选择各种各样的中国泡菜。

Stinky Tofu (Chòudòufu 臭豆腐)19. Stinky Tofu (Chòudòufu 臭豆腐)I was extremely excited to get my first tast of the legendary stinky tofuwhile I was in Yangshuo. The fermentation of the tofu is how it earned its “stinky” nickname.The stinky tofu was deep fried and filled with a tasty vinegar and garlic sauce. Each cube of stinky tofu was melt-in-your mouth and absolutely delicious!Check out a video of eating stinky tofu here.在阳朔第一次尝到传说中的臭豆腐真是兴奋死了!豆腐的发酵让它获得了“臭”的昵称。臭豆腐是油炸过的,蘸满了美味的醋和大蒜酱。每一个臭豆腐小方块融化在你的嘴里真是美味极了!想看视频请戳这里。

Foo Jook Bowl20. Sichuan Style Foo Jook Hot Pot (Ma La Tang)麻辣烫On similar terms with the Chinese self cooked hot-pots is the street food version of choosing your own sticks and letting the vendor boil them in her fragrant soup.These Chinese street food bowls that are originally influenced from the culinary wondrous region of Sichuan, are awesome!类似与中国自助火锅的街头食品版本,你可以选择自己的食物串,然后让摊主放进她的香汤煮。这种街头食物源自四川地区奇妙的烹饪技巧,好吃!

Chinese Hamburger21. Chinese Hamburger中式汉堡包(肉夹馍)With a “No Good, No Pay” policy, there wasn’t much I could do to avoid the sampling of something known as a the Chinese hamburger.Though it was no ordinary hamburger, the chili marinated beef filled with vegetables and noodles was quite a flavor packed treat!本着“不好吃,不付钱”的指导方针,能我心甘情愿付钱的就只有中式汉堡包了。虽然它不是通常的汉堡包,但它填满了辣椒腌制过的牛肉、蔬菜以及粉丝,别具风味。

Baozi 包子 - Popular Chinese Dishes22. Baozi (包子)Popular throughout China and Asia, Baozi (包子), steamed bread dumplings are available as a breakfast food all over Yangshuo.They can be filled with an assortment of fillings, but I really liked them filled with egg and chives and the ones filled with transparent rice noodles.作为风靡中国和亚洲的食物,包子、馒头和饺子都是阳朔随处可见的早餐美食。它们可以包进各式各样的馅料,而我很喜欢那些填满了鸡蛋和韭菜和那些充满了透明的米粉等馅料的包子。

Chinese Stir Fried Pumpkin23. Stir Fried Pumpkin炒南瓜Before visiting China, I preferred to think of pumpkin as something that should only be used as a dessert in things like pumpkin pie. In Thailand pumpkin is used frequently in Thai desserts but also in stir fried dishes.The best stir fried pumpkin I ate while in China was at the Chinese Farmer’s Market restaurant and the dish included whole chunks of garlic and chives.在来到中国之前,我认为南瓜只能做成甜点如南瓜饼。在泰国,南瓜经常做成泰式甜点,还用于拌菜。我在中国吃过的最好的炒南瓜是在一个农贸市场饭馆,菜里包括整块大蒜和葱花。

Lamian Cold Noodles (拉麵)24. Leng Mian Cold Noodles (冷面)Chinese lamian noodles are the famous hand pulled noodles of China. This huge plate of hand pulled noodles served cool is known as Leng Mian. It is more of a cool noodle salad, topped with beef tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and fresh dressing.These noodles are most commonly eaten in and around Lanzhou, but they have spread their deliciousness throughout all of China.中国拉面是一种有名的手拉面条。这一大碟放凉了的手拉面叫做冷面。它更像是凉的面条沙拉,淋满了牛肉、西红柿、黄瓜、胡萝卜以及新鲜的调味品。

Srir Fired Dao Xiao Mian Noodles (刀削麵) - Popular Chinese Dishes25. Stir Fired Dao Xiao Mian Noodles (刀削麵)If you’d prefer to eat a plate of stir fried noodles, Da Xiao Mian is a choice option. These noodles are hand sliced with a knife right off a big blob of noodle dough and land in a big pot of boiling water.After they are finished cooking, the noodles are stir fried up with a few other tasty ingredients.如果你更喜欢吃一盘煮面条,刀削面会是一个选项。这种面条是从一个大面团手工切下的薄片,然后放进沸水中煮。煮过后,再和一些其他可口的食材一起炒。

Candied Deep Fried Taro Bites26. Candied Taro Bites (Ba Si Yu Tou 拔丝芋头)There’s no better way to describe these bite sized pieces of sweet deep fried taro than utterly delicious.Small pieces of taro are battered in something similar to caramel and then deep fried. They arrive at your table piping hot – the caramel still melting.They are so hot and sticky that you actually have to dip them into cold water (bottom left) so you don’t leave caramel strings all over the place!These are good, real good. – no surprise that Ba Si Yu Tou is a one of the very popular Chinese dishes!我没有更好的方式来描述这些一片片的油炸芋头,只能说它是绝对的美味。小块的芋头放进糖汁里翻炒,然后再油炸。它们上到你的桌上时是滚烫的——糖汁还没凝固。它们又热又粘,你必须把它们浸入冷水中(左下),以免把糖丝拉得到处都是。很好吃,真正的好吃。——难怪拔丝芋头会是中国名声远扬的美食之一!

Black Sesame Pudding27. Black Sesame Pudding (Zhi Ma Hu 芝麻糊)Black sesame seeds are spectacular – they’ve got a truly admirable flavor. This Chinese Zhi Ma Hu 芝麻糊 is made with black sesame seeds and a number of other ingredients to turn it into a thick starchy sweet pudding.黑芝麻籽令人赞叹——它们有一种真正令人倾倒的味道。这中式芝麻糊就是由黑芝麻籽加入其他一些食材做成的香甜的浓稠糊状布丁。

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发表于 15-9-2014 14:35:00 | 只看该作者
啊, 梦回阳朔~~~~


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
周星星1832 + 50 你太有才了!



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发表于 15-9-2014 17:42:33 | 只看该作者
鬼子吃这么多, 不怕消化不良么...?

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