上周五早上上班,8:45分的样子,收到职业评估VET发来的邮件(邮箱有邮件进来会短信通知),VETASSESS (SRGO) - Outstanding Documentation
I refer to your application to VETASSESS for a skills assessment.
Updated information is available on the Skill Recognition General Occupation (SRGO) Online System
in regards to the supporting documents supplied for your Skills Assessment.
The information will be available on the 'Application Status' page under the ‘Document checklist' section.
To access the details of your application, please login into the system.
Thanks for your email.
Your application was completed on Friday last week, the outcome letter will be available in 48 business hours to download online.
If you need further assistance, please contact us again at migrate@vetassess.com.au. Please quote the application reference number whenever you contact this office or send any correspondence to VETASSESS.
春节后,买了些雅思的书回来。开始准备复习英语了。说说我的英语水平吧。自认为是一个偏理科的女生,英语从来都是拖后腿的。211大学毕业,大学英语六级。工作之后,用到英语的地方也不多,基本都还给老师了。从过去考四六级经历来看,听力比较好,最讨厌写作了。原因是应试教育的结果,作文简直就是八股文。记得有次有幸监考四六级考试。下午的作文题目是说ebook和 paper book,问paper book会不会被取代。绕了教师一圈,不外乎只看到了两种开头,with the develpoment of science and tech...和in the morden society, more and more.......(后来复习了雅思作文,才发现其实和雅思作文很想,当时自己怎么就不懂的议论文的结构呢,哈哈哈)