普华教育由数位具有多年澳洲四大会计师事务所工作经验的资深审计师组成,专注于澳洲会计从业人员的再教育。我们的讲师都以优异成绩毕业于澳大利亚知名学府,拥有澳洲 CPA,中国CPA,以及美国CFA等多项行业资格认证。工作于四大会计事务所的他们,功底扎实,经验丰富,所经手的客户包括澳洲四大银行,最大投资银行,知名矿业公司,保险公司,房地产基金,对冲基金,私募股权基金等。我们的课程基于审计案例和实践,为学员传授澳洲四大会计师事务所的工作方法及技巧,内容丰富,生动实用。
1. 面向有一定经验并且有上进心的会计从业人员,也欢迎优秀毕业生;
2. 提供大量真实案例分析,在实践中掌握真知;
3. 四大会计师事务所企业文化及工作方法介绍,帮您拓宽思路,突破职业发展瓶颈;
4. 前四大HR Manager亲自修改简历,传授面试经验,帮助您找到自身缺陷,在职业发展上更进一步;
5. 小班授课,每班2到4人;
现由四大会计师事务所现任资深审计员,Assistant Manager, Andrew亲自任教的实战审计班将于7月20日开课。Andrew曾经也是一位普通的中国留学生,没有特殊的背景,经历过与大家相似的彷徨与失落,但今天的Andrew已经具有了7年以上四大审计从业经验,同时也拥有CPA及CFA资格认证。7月20日,他将与您分享他的专业知识,行业经验以及成功经历,他会用他的经历告诉你,中国留学生进入四大不是梦想而是现实。课程详情如下,有意者请联系。
Audit coursetopics (basic to advance)
1. Introduction and practice ofAustralian Accounting standard (AIFRS) (4 hours)
l Accounting Principles
l Accounting practice and case study (accounting treatment for revenuecycles, investment cycles and financing cycles)
2. Introduction and practice ofgeneral financial internal controls (4 hours)
l Principles of internal controls
l Case study (internal controls for revenue, expenses, cash managementand investment)
l Audit of internal controls
3. Introduction of Australianaudit standard and guidance (2 hours)
4. Audit practice and experiencefor financial statement line items (case study basis) (8 hours)
l Cash
l Accounts receivable
l Accounts payable
l Fixed assets
l Prepayment
l Accrual expense
l Loan and borrowing
l Shareholder capital
l Retained earnings
l Revenue
l Expense
l Interest expense
5. Audit offinancial report and case study (mock financial report ) (4 hours)
l Balance sheet
l Income statement
l Cash flow statement (case study for cash flow preparation)
l Notes to the financial report
6. Hot topics (6hours)
l Audit and valuation of financial instruments (2 hours)
l Going concern consideration (1 hour)
l Financial risk management disclosure (market risk, credit risk andfair value hierarchy) (3 hours)
7. Workflow ofaudit engagements and engagement management (2 hours)
l Client Acceptance
l Engagement Planning
l Engagement Execution
l Completion and audit report
手机号码:0435760548(Andrew)/0425576819 (Helen)(如未接听,请发送短信)
微信ID: chen290929