After obtaining your State sponsored or nominated skilled visa you are required to register your arrival into Western Australia by visiting Skilled Migration Western Australia at:
Level 2, 166 Murray Street
Perth, Western Australia 6000
This registration will activate your two year commitment to Western Australia which you agreed to when you accepted the Government of Western Australia’s offer of sponsorship or nomination.
To successfully register you will need to the following documents:
a copy of your signed State sponsorship or nomination agreement;
your passport; and
proof of your permanent Western Australian address*.
*Acceptable documents include:
a lease agreement for a rental property;
a utilities bill (phone, water, electricity etc.); or
a Western Australian driver’s licence.
For further information on registration or to check the current office hours, please contact Skilled Migration Western Australia by email at or by telephone on +61 8 9224 6593 or 13 23 98 from within Australia.