这个要看你离开多久,看能不能不算作resiedent for tax purpose.
时间短的话,作为resident for tax purpose的话是要缴澳洲的税的,但一般是减去所在国已缴的税.
Foreign residents pay tax differently from residents. As a foreign resident you will:
pay tax on all salary and wage income earned in Australia. The foreign resident tax rates are different from resident tax rates. See Individual income tax rates for details of foreign resident tax rates (更正一下上面的回复,税不是直接打最高,详见:http://www.ato.gov.au/individual ... =/content/12333.htm)
have 10% of any interest earned from your Australian bank accounts withheld for tax.(只是利息打10%而已) This interest is not included as assessable income. You must advise the Australian financial institution of your overseas address so that this tax can be withheld, otherwise tax will be withheld at the higher rate of 45%
not pay the Medicare levy. You also may not be entitled to claim Medicare benefits
not be entitled to the tax-free threshold
have tax withheld from unfranked dividends. These dividends are not included as assessable income. You must advise the Australian company of your overseas address so that this tax can be withheld, otherwise tax will be withheld at the higher rate of 45%. Where you receive franked dividends, no tax is withheld as the company has already paid tax on your behalf. These dividends and franking credits are also not included in assessable income
not be entitled to claim certain tax offsets or tax credits which are available to residents
be required to show any Australian rental income in your tax return.