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[其他] 关于华人孩子学中文 WA

发表于 23-12-2012 00:04:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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5.6.2 Second language eligibility

https://www.curriculum.wa.edu.au ... _2012_5_6_2_pdf.pdf

Report to the Curriculum Council of WA on the Identification of background candidates in the Languages Other Than English Learning Area

http://www.curriculum.wa.edu.au/ ... cs/pdf/114370_1.pdf


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发表于 23-12-2012 00:50:10 | 只看该作者

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发表于 25-12-2012 18:49:18 | 只看该作者



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发表于 28-12-2012 02:14:50 | 只看该作者

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发表于 28-12-2012 05:35:38 | 只看该作者



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发表于 29-12-2012 22:46:33 | 只看该作者

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发表于 31-12-2012 14:01:14 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 31-12-2012 16:23:59 | 只看该作者




[ 本帖最后由 cynthiawu 于 31-12-2012 16:26 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 31-12-2012 16:31:01 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 31-12-2012 19:04:48 | 只看该作者

5.6.2 Second language eligibility
Second language eligibility applies to the following courses:
 Chinese: Second Language
 Indonesian: Second Language
 Japanese: Second Language
Second language courses are designed for second language learners. Students wishing to enrol in the above courses must apply to the Curriculum Council to determine their eligibility.
To allow the Council to determine eligibility, schools are required to provide information about a student’s linguistic, residential and educational background. The information provided in the application is scored, using a process that scrutinises the first 10 years of the student’s life, during which a first language is typically acquired. All information will be considered in determining a student’s eligibility status. Generally, a student who scores above 20 points will be deemed as not eligible.
Eligibility forms for 2012 enrolments in Chinese/Indonesian/Japanese: Second Language courses will be sent to schools early in Term 3 for return to the Curriculum Council by 31 August 2011.
Schools can enrol students in these courses once the eligibility status has been confirmed.
By July 23, 2012, schools will receive letters containing background speaker information for Languages courses and accompanied by student application forms for second language eligibility for study of Chinese: Second Language, Indonesian: Second Language and Japanese: Second Language in 2013. The 2011 letter as an example of what can be expected and the procedure required for each of the three Language courses follows.

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 楼主| 发表于 31-12-2012 19:05:36 | 只看该作者
Attention: Teacher-in-charge of Languages Chinese: Second Language
(Through the Principal)
Eligibility to enrol in the Chinese: Second Language course
Please find enclosed the Application for Second Language Eligibility form for students intending to enrol in Chinese: Second Language course units (1ACSL, 1BCSL; 2ACSL, 2BCSL; 3ACSL, 3BCSL) in 2012. Schools can enrol only students in the Chinese: Second Language course who have received confirmation of eligibility status from the Curriculum Council. Students, who are enrolled or intend to enrol in EALD, and have nominated Chinese as their first language, are not eligible to enrol in the Chinese: Second Language course.
The eligibility form is to be completed by all students (Years 10, 11, 12) before first enrolment in the course. In cases where special permission has been granted by the Council to have Year 9 achievement in course units contribute to the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), these students are also required to complete the form. Students who have had their eligibility status confirmed in 2010 or 2011 are not required to submit another form, unless their circumstances have changed.
Please return completed forms (arranged in alphabetical order) marked “Attention: Rita Colliander” to the Curriculum Council by Friday, 31 August 2012. Students may need to reconsider their enrolment options if found to be not eligible.
School principals will be advised of the eligibility status of students once the applications have been processed. Only those students whose applications are not successful will receive a personal reply through the school.
Guidelines for completing the application are provided with the form. A summary of the eligibility and review process is included in the Guidelines. Please direct any queries, including applications for review to Hanneke Rekelhof on 9273 6724 or via email hanneke.rekelhof@curriculum.wa.edu.au.
Robyn Smith
20 July 2011

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 楼主| 发表于 31-12-2012 19:06:20 | 只看该作者
Application for Chinese: Second Language Eligibility
Please read this information before distributing the Application form for Second Language Eligibility to students.
Information provided by the student a) Documentation
All students who have resided in and/or attended school in a country or place where Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien or any of the regional Chinese languages) is widely used, must supply documentation with their application. This documentation should include:
 copies of school reports or official attendance records (either from schools overseas or in
Australia), with the language of instruction clearly indicated; and
 copies of passport pages or visas authenticating the date of entry into Australia as a resident.
b) Residential and educational history
Section 2 is to be completed by the student and the student’s parent/guardian. Columns 1 and 2 in ‘Residential and educational history’ (Section 2, Part 4), need to be completed beginning with the month and year of birth to the present. Columns 4, 5, 6 and 8 need to be completed beginning with the first year of compulsory schooling.
Principal’s declaration
It is important that the principal views the completed application to ensure that the information provided by the student in Section 2 is consistent and corresponds with the information on the student’s school records. By indicating the student’s eligibility and signing the declaration, the principal acknowledges that all information provided by the student has been checked and verified, wherever possible. This is particularly important where students may have studied in schools or resided in areas where Chinese is used.
Application of eligibility rules for Chinese: Second Language course
The Chinese: Second Language course is designed for second language learners. Eligible second language learners have typically learnt all they know about the Chinese language from classroom teaching of Chinese in an Australian school (where English is the language of school instruction) or similar environment. These students do not typically use Chinese outside the language classroom environment. They may have experienced stays of up to 12 months (student or school exchanges) or resided for a period of up to one year in a country where Chinese is spoken.
(This information is based on findings from The Treloar Report 2003 - http://www.curriculum.wa.edu.au/ ... cs/pdf/114370_1.pdf
Eligibility is determined on the basis of:
 theprincipal’srecommendation
 countryorplaceofresidencefrombirth
 languageofformalschooling
 thestudent’slinguisticbackground
 considerationofotherrelevantinformation.
An on balance judgement is made on the basis of all information provided.
The scoring information on the following page is used to allocate points towards the residential and educational history information provided by the student in Columns 2, 6 and 8. Columns 3 and 7 will be completed by a Curriculum Council officer.
2012 WACE Procedures File
Point allocation for students applying for eligibility to enrol in the Chinese: Second Language course:
Column 2
Country/place of residence
Column 3
Point allocation
Column 6
Language of school instruction
Column 7
Point allocation
Column 8
Formal study of Chinese outside Australia
For data from Year 6 or 11 years of age

China Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau
2 per year
2 per year

2 per year

Malaysia, Brunei Singapore
11⁄2 per year
1 per year
Christmas Island
Any other language

Any other country/area
For data up to Year 5 or 10 years of age

China Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau
4 per year
4 per year

1 per year

Malaysia, Brunei Singapore
3 per year
2 per year
Christmas Island
Any other language

Any other country/area
c) Additional information
Schools/students must attach relevant additional information (such as personal statements, copies of reports from all schools attended in other countries or photocopies of passport pages showing arrival into or departure from Australia) with the original application.
Final checklist
Before submitting the application forms, please ensure that:
     
Student names and numbers are written clearly
Student names correspond to the name formally registered with the Curriculum Council Forms have been signed by the principal, student and parent/guardian
Sections 1 and 2 are complete, including the Residential and educational history
Section 2: Residential and educational history Columns 1 and 2 include information from birth Relevant additional information is attached.
NB: Incomplete forms will be returned to the school for completion and may delay the process.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 31-12-2012 19:07:49 | 只看该作者
Curriculum Council Eligibility Process
Application process for eligibility to enrol in the second language course
1. Schools and students are informed of the criteria for determining second language eligibility through published documentation (eCircular, WACE Circular, Application for second language eligibility package to schools) by the Curriculum Council.
2. The student completes the second language eligibility form to apply for permission to enrol in the course.
3. The school principal completes the principal’s declaration and recommends the student as ‘eligible’ or ‘not eligible’.
4. Curriculum Council officers consider the application and make a determination based on: a) the published criteria and the evidence provided by the student
b) the principal’s recommendation; and where required,
c) consultation with the language teacher/school representative.
5. Students are informed in writing, through their schools, of the Curriculum Council’s determination.
Review process
6. A student deemed not eligible may request a review of his or her application by contacting the Curriculum Council. Further evidence to support the application should be provided.
a) Additional evidence relating to the student’s residential history must be supported by copies of passport pages containing visas and dates of entry or exit.
b) Additional evidence relating to the student’s educational history must include details for all schools attended, the language(s) of school instruction and school reports. A letter from the relevant school(s) may be required.
Applications for review against a decision regarding second language eligibility must be received by the Curriculum Council within three weeks of the receipt of the Curriculum Council’s determination.
7. The Curriculum Council Review Panel reviews the student application and considers the additional evidence. The panel is responsible for ensuring independent consideration of eligibility status and the implementation of procedural fairness.
8. The students is informed in writing, through his or her school, of the Curriculum Council’s determination.
Appeal process
9 Students deemed not eligible after the review process are advised in writing and provided with an Application for Appeal Against Second Language Eligibility Decision form. A fee of $15.00 (inclusive of GST) per application is required. Additional evidence must be provided with the application. Appeal forms must be received by the Curriculum Council within three weeks of the date of the review decision. Should eligibility be granted following the appeal, the fee will be refunded.
10. Students are informed in writing of the panel’s determination.
11. The Chief Executive Officer of the Curriculum Council is responsible for ensuring procedural fairness.

使用道具 举报

发表于 31-12-2012 22:40:21 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 1-1-2013 00:05:41 | 只看该作者

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发表于 1-1-2013 13:49:53 | 只看该作者



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发表于 1-1-2013 20:41:14 | 只看该作者
楼主先别着急,不知道您的孩子现在多大了,现在教委也在商讨改革的事宜,但是还没有明确定论,很有可能2014年出台中等水平,就是针对在这边出生的华人小孩的,比考第一语言的简单,但是会比考第二语言的难一些。其实,说实话,如果您的孩子打算12年级的时候中文作为第二语言考试,当然可能分数不错,但是这两年的经验看都会SCALE DOWN, 因为WA平均分太高了。例如:今年中文高考的成绩前天刚刚下来,我的一个学生笔试考了83分,口语考了100分,但是最后给他SCALE DOWN后的成绩只有78.2分。所以,选中文作为第二语言考试的真的有利有弊。

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