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发表于 28-8-2012 17:03:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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http://www.australianmarriageequ ... lity-bill-welcomed/

Australia’s marriage equality advocates have welcomed the tabling of a Tasmanian Marriage Equality Bill, set to be debated in the State’s Lower House this week.


Australian Marriage Equality National Convener Alex Greenwich:

“This is a high quality and comprehensive bill that is drafted to withstand any High Court challenge”.

“The Tasmanian Bill is the the most detailed bill for a state marriage scheme that we have seen, and we hope it will also be used by the other states considering this vital reform”.

Mr Greenwich said the creation of a new opt-in register for celebrants means ministers of religion will continue to be free to refuse to marry same-sex couples.

“The Bill places no obligation whatsoever on ministers of religion who do not wish to marry same-sex couples, but should clergy wish to marry same-sex couples they are free to apply to be celebrants.”

Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said he is proud Tasmania is leading the way on marriage equality.

“This reform will help build stronger relationships and families in Tasmania, as well as increase pressure on the the other states and the federal government to follow.”

“The way that Labor and the Greens have worked together to develop robust legislation and implement a reform the majority of Tasmanians want sends a strong message to our federal parliament to do the same.”

Mr Croome said he was hopeful the bill would pass the State’s lower house, but is still encouraging all Tasmanians to take action.

“In the 48 hours until this bill is debated I urge all Tasmanians who support equality to contact their local MP and encourage them to vote for a reform that will do our state proud.”

Australian Marriage Equality and the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group have initiated an online campaign to empower supporters to contact all members of parliament that can be found here: www.tasunited.org

For more information contact Alex Greenwich on 0421 316 335 or Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.

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