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Are gays more racist?
Posted on 05 July 2012
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“The gay world is full of narrow-minded, bigoted racists,” wrote American author Martin Weber in February this year.
Weber’s article took aim at gay and bisexual men who openly advertised ‘No Asians’ or other foreign ethnicities on their online dating profiles.
The piece divided readers, some defending the use of ‘sexual racism’ while many others backed the author and scolded the offending guys.
Grindr users who have advertised their sexual preferences have copped a serious backlash from websites such as Douchebags of Grindr, but while Grindr has become the latest platform for men to publicise their sexual preferences, it’s far from the first.
Two years before the popular app even existed, a group of Sydney gay men created a website addressing sexual racism on online dating websites.
SexualRacismSux.com began in 2007 and read: “This site isn’t about forcing anyone to do anything … we are interested in challenging your preconception.”
One of the website founders, Peretta Anggerek, said they were just asking for people to be decent.
“We’re not saying you’re supposed to change your preference or your way of looking at things. It’s just that common decency seems to have disappeared off the net,” Anggerek said.
OutBlack is a Victorian support group for Australian Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) gay and transgender sister girls.
OutBlack convener Bryan Andy told the Star Observer racism was an unfortunate feature of the queer community.
“I’m often appalled at the sexually racist comments on cruising sites and apps,” Andy said.
“Statements like ‘No Asians’ or ‘No GBM [Gay Black Men]’ are both pathetic and offensive.
“While it’s a problem of minority proportions, I am often flabbergasted by it as I find it quite hypocritical – given that LGBTI people are discriminated against, surely they can comprehend and empathise with feelings of discrimination?”
Andy said racism affects people in a myriad of ways, including physically, emotionally and mentally.
“Just as LGBTI people experience discrimination that can attribute to low self esteem, suicide, feelings of worthlessness, drug and substance use, mental health issues and other such problems, racism can manifest a similar suite of issues in a targeted person,” he said.
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council (AGMC) spokesman Tony Mordini said while some LGBTI people probably were racist, he questioned the extent of it in the community.
“Sometimes it’s not the sexuality that stands out, but the colour of the skin, or the group people belong to and that may be the first thing that stands out,” he said.
“That’s what people unfortunately target first.”
Mordini, who has an Italian background, agreed sexual racism was hypocritical, but suggested there was also an element of naivety.
“Sometimes people don’t even realise they’re making those subtle things … it’s just what they’ve grown up with or what has evolved in a community’s perception which is unfortunate,” he said.
The lack of multiculturalism in LGBTI characters in films, TV programs and books has also made an impact.
Consider the range of different cultures in leading gay and lesbian TV series such as The L Word, Queer as Folk, Lip Service or even Will and Grace: mostly white leads.
There have been some strong non-white characters in recent television programs though, including Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette) in True Blood and Archie Panjabi (Kalinda) in The Good Wife.
Closer to home there’s been this year’s ABC comedy series Outland, where Christine Anu played Rae, an Indigenous, wheelchair-bound lesbian sci-fi geek.
The 2011 Teaching Diversities report into same-sex attracted young people from culturally diverse backgrounds found the one thing all participants agreed on was the need for more role models from their own cultures.
Other ideas floated included culture-based support groups and more publicly available information in the way of pamphlets or posters.
But the participants pushed for greater exposure of existing “queer persons of colour” who often didn’t get the same media attention as their white counterparts.
The National Anti-Racism Strategy begins this month, as part of the Australian Government’s 2011 multicultural policy, The People of Australia.
The strategy is focused on a zero-tolerance approach to racism while aiming to create a broader acceptance of multiculturalism in Australia.
Andy and Mordini both agreed education about multiculturalism is the best approach to tackling racism in the community.
“Education is the key. While we are a largely successful multicultural society, we often don’t have the skills to challenge or stamp out racist-speak, behaviour or conduct,” Andy said.
Mordini said progress can be made when the impacts of racism are made clear.
“Eventually people can walk away and think ‘yeah, they’re just like me, they’re no different.’”
HAVE YOUR SAY: Have you experienced racism in the community? Comment below

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发表于 6-7-2012 02:30:49 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 6-7-2012 11:32:33 | 只看该作者

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No Asians, 之类的话更是家常便饭。并不是说我们是同志,我们知道被歧视的感受,就自动不去歧视其他人了。




参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
katsura + 50 Well written!



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发表于 6-7-2012 16:17:00 | 只看该作者


http://www.douchebagsofgrindr.co ... dr-douche/#comments

25 Responses to “Yet Another Asian Hating Grindr Douche”

Adrian Says:
June 12th, 2012 at 9:47 am
What a shocker…another Australian asshole.
BB Says:
June 12th, 2012 at 11:14 pm
can someone please develop an invite only White Power (Bottom) Grindr applet so all those morons could find each other in one odd place?
Timbo Says:
June 13th, 2012 at 4:04 am
Aussies not known for being tolerant ! Hot guy though !
eric Says:
June 14th, 2012 at 12:03 am
whatever, batman. nice spiked bracelets.
Loki Says:
June 15th, 2012 at 7:16 am
hmmm, well.. I’d still ride it
Australian Says:
June 16th, 2012 at 8:42 am
Not all Australians are racially intolerant. I am 31. Initially I disliked Asians sexually. Nowadays I speak Mandarin and I have a Chinese boyfriend of nearly three years. As to this douche: anyone with gynaecomastia like his, is in no position to be choosy.
Mac Says:
June 16th, 2012 at 1:18 pm
@Australians, are you into Asians now because you want to or because youre now over 25/30? Valid Question.
Danny K Says:
June 19th, 2012 at 4:30 am
Aussie here. The racist culture I see is disturbing.
It was and is against the Infigenous Australians. It’s a complex mess but very little is being done effectively to address it. There are minutes from my own local council where a council member (this is in 1908 I think) suggests going to the mission and using a “tommy gun” to kill the Aboriginals. This was seen easier than moving the mission. There is a real animosity towards the Lebanese which I don’t understand.
Please believe its not everyone and everywhere.
Seems mostly with the people that aren’t that bright. It really has saddened me to read the above comments about my home. I never realized that there was that perception.
Check out ‘Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes’ on a video streaming site. It will open eyes to the generational harm racism has tolled and the daily struggle of people that aren’t white.
This guy is a wanker and I hope he gets in a scrap with some Asians at his local club. He needs sense knocked into him. You can’t send out that kind of hate. Why doesn’t Grindr monitor that stuff?
Andrew Says:
June 19th, 2012 at 8:42 am
This asshole just msged me on grindr and said “is this thing another asian” ummm no shit sherlock. I was going to post him on this site, i guess someone beat me to it….
Timbo Says:
June 19th, 2012 at 5:41 pm
Much as I lOve Australia race does seem to be a real issue there. Mind you, when I went to a bar famous for Asian customers I was kinda shocked by the guys in there. My Asian friends wouldn’t speak to them as they said they were ‘low class Chinese’. So theres racism everywhere!
Danny K Says:
June 19th, 2012 at 11:39 pm
Yes, Indians and Pakistanis have an internal cast system. The lighter the skin the better you are.
Darker skins for farming and menial work. At least that’s what my Indian friends tell me.
Australian Says:
June 20th, 2012 at 7:37 pm
Mac: I am with my boyfriend because I want to be. My age is not a factor. I could go out with a white guy if I chose, but I am yet to find one who is as loving, thoughtful and interesting as my boyfriend. I believe your question is invalid, since it is based on an assumption that every white guy who goes out with Asian guys, or any other race than his own, only does so because he “cannot get” anyone else. That is simply not true.
Asian guys also have a power of veto in the gay scene. They are not mindless toys. They are human beings, with mild cosmetic differences to white guys.
I have had partners and shags of every colour because I do not hold race to be a limiting factor in attraction.
Beaker Says:
June 21st, 2012 at 5:45 pm
Is there really that much anti Asian sentiment among white gays or is it just exaggerated on here? I have Asian friends and never heard them comment about being rejected anywhere.
LOL Says:
June 22nd, 2012 at 1:07 am
Beaker, it’s not imaginary or exaggerated. In fact, some of my white Aussie pals choose remain blind to the amount of racism/hatred directed at gay Asian men despite my best efforts at educating them. I’ve seen enough “no Asians” on sites here to be numb to it. This guy is just another in a long list of intolerant white trash.
LOL Says:
June 22nd, 2012 at 1:32 am
At Australian, it’s difficult having any vetoing power when the odds are stacked so highly against gay Asian males. I honestly don’t understand how the prejudice can be so overwhelming or why Asians to them seem so repulsive. I have yet to know one Asian-Caucasian gay couple where the white male is more attractive than the Asian male.
Australian Says:
June 24th, 2012 at 5:26 am
LOL: I meant to say that Asian guys do retain a power to choose who they “go with”. I am not in a position to make a truly informed judgement (I have not researched the prevalence of anti-Asian sentiment online in a quantitative way), but I agree with you that there does seem to be a large number of gay
guys who don’t “want Asians”.
I was repulsed too by Asian guys until I travelled and lived overseas (South Korea and coastal China). I realised that, well holy shit, Asian guys are human too! In a cultural reversal where I was at a lingual disadvantage, I learnt to respect the plight of gay Asian guys back in my own country.
When I returned here (age 23), I did not seek out Asian guys exclusively but I no longer limited myself to my own race, nor to any race. I had white boyfriends and Asian boyfriends – now I have an Asian boyfriend.
As to ugly/cute combinations – I have seen all sorts. Love is love, if it is true. I have seen gorgeous white people with um… people of other races who are not so gorgeous, and the other way around. In any case, beauty is subjective.
Raymond Says:
June 24th, 2012 at 11:07 am
I think the real issue is the lack of education amongst the men who use this application. Most edcuated men like myself don’t believe in racial exclusivity and we understand the pain that it causes people who have been subjected to unjust treatment. There is a huge difference in attitudes about race between people of different educational attainment. You can see it in almost every country.
LOL Says:
June 26th, 2012 at 3:05 am
Australian, we’re clearly not in the same city. I have never seen “gorgeous white people with people of other races who are not so gorgeous”. As far as my experience goes, gorgeous white people go out with other gorgeous white people. Those who aren’t as gorgeous and can’t land gorgeous white people, then start to seek out gorgeous people of other races. Personally a gorgeous man to me is a gorgeous man regardless of race, but it is just downright disconcerting that in a city where at least 80% of gay men are white, there are so few desirable ones who are open to dating men of other races.
LOL Says:
June 26th, 2012 at 3:07 am
What’s also disturbing is that you needed a trip to Asia to discover that Asians are human. Does that mean before your enlightenment, you thought Asians were less than human or non-human?
LOL Says:
June 26th, 2012 at 3:18 am
Perhaps if the less-informed and less-initiated stopped buying into stereotypes, especially that of the gay Asian stereotype (you know, the one where an Asian male necessarily can’t speak proper English, isn’t well-endowed, has a slight figure and feminine mannerisms), then perhaps Asian males may just start to appeal without trying and guys like Mr Batman here won’t look like such Neanderthals.
Phags Says:
June 27th, 2012 at 9:12 pm
I don’t really see how not being sexually attracted to Asians is racist? Just because you’re not sexually attached to X race, doesn’t make you racist. I’m friends with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese peoples, as well as a multitude of other races, but that doesn’t mean I want to fuck them. It’s ridiculous for you to post this guy up here solely because he doesn’t want to be fucked by some Asian guy… You people are fucked.
Douchebag Hunter Says:
June 30th, 2012 at 3:03 pm
To “Phags”: just because you know nothing about this subject doesn’t make it “ridiculous”. The above profile is insensitive and nasty. It’s also not anyone’s job to educate you on why this is. How about you google “gay” “grindr” and “racism” and do some research of your own into why profiles like this one are so problematic.
Jon Says:
July 1st, 2012 at 9:40 am
To “Phags”. it is racism because of all the things Mr batman could write in his profile, his priority was to put that he hates asians. The hatred is so palpable. besides, he could have easily put “prefer white guys” . That is a less racist way of saying his preference. Just try to imagine your self in the shoe of a gay asian male and perhaps your will understand that Mr batman is racist.
j Says:
July 3rd, 2012 at 6:05 pm
So… people are not allowed to have sexual preference? I mean, is it just that you are upset he wont sleep with the first person, however ugly, that says “sup?”
Dave Says:
July 4th, 2012 at 6:17 pm
So many douches… but not enough blocks


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xblues + 50 谢谢分享!



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发表于 6-7-2012 18:42:55 | 只看该作者

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发表于 7-7-2012 01:15:18 | 只看该作者
dcxg wanted to be 性奴?

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发表于 7-7-2012 11:46:28 | 只看该作者
原帖由 dcxg 于 6-7-2012 17:42 发表


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 楼主| 发表于 7-7-2012 12:11:05 | 只看该作者

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参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
chubbycat + 50 你太有才了!



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发表于 7-7-2012 19:31:32 | 只看该作者

回复 #7 katsura 的帖子



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发表于 7-7-2012 19:51:27 | 只看该作者
原帖由 dcxg 于 7-7-2012 18:31 发表


They might get payments in that 'special' way.

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