3、checklist的要求有这么一句话:Assemble your submission by placing documents in the order shown below.前几项是:
Completed Application Form, with passport-style photo-------这个我理解成第一页表格
Application fee---------------------------------------------------------第一页表格包含了
Form to appoint person to act as agent [if necessary]---------第二页表格
Certified true copy of passport bio-data page………………这是后面的了
4、a competed 'Skilled Employment Record' of the work experience,这个EA是给了个Excel表,这个是感觉真心填不开啊,各位大侠是怎么弄的?而且A4的横着打印也似乎打印不全所有列啊?是不是自己可以参照这个表格内容写全了就行,不用非得在这个表上填?
另外有个Documents列,写着include 5 main duties,下面一格还写着Yes / No,这个是啥意思??
问:There is a column of "Documents / include 5 main duties / Yes / No", I would like to ask what should I fill in. Is only one word "Yes" sufficient? Or should I fill in 5 main duties in this column?
答:If you have attached your main 5 duties to support your work experience claims, then tick :yes", if you haven;t included the relevant supporting documents regarding your five main duties, then tick "no".