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[交通信息] 新闻说明天queensland的火车免费

发表于 29-2-2012 20:59:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Commuter chaos as downed powerline stops Brisbane trains
Matt Wordsworth reported this story on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:34:00
ELEANOR HALL: A small clamp on a power pole threw Brisbane into traffic chaos today and caused yet another disruption to the state election campaign.

The faulty clamp caused a powerline to fall, stopping trains on some of the busiest lines in their tracks.

The minister has apologised to commuters who were scrambling for a way to get to work.

In Brisbane, Matt Wordsworth reports.

MATT WORDSWORTH: It's not the message you want to hear on the way to work.

ANNOUNCER: Due to telemetry failure, there are major delays across the entire network. There is telemetry failure at Roma Street Station and no trains are travelling in either direction.

MATT WORDSWORTH: A minor fault turned Brisbane's commute into a massive headache.

The Transport Minister Annastacia Palaszczuk explains.

ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK: My advice from Queensland rail is that a clamp holding an overhead high voltage line failed, causing the overhead powerline to fall and make contact with the rail, sending 25,000 volts through the signal and switching equipment.

As many people would be aware, safety is our paramount concern and we simply could not operate trains through Milton and through the Roma Street and the CBD whilst our signalling system was down.

MATT WORDSWORTH: Of all the powerlines over all the railway lines in Queensland it had to be Roma Street. It's one of the busiest stations in the state.

All trains from the commuter city of Ipswich run through the busy western suburbs and on to Roma Street - so do all trains from the Gold Coast, the southern suburbs and the eastern suburbs.

Queensland Rail spokesman Andrew Berkman.

ANDREW BERKMAN: We can't sort of speculate, or we can't sort of decide on what actually caused it to come from the pole.

MATT WORDSWORTH: They deployed customer service officers to marshal people onto buses to get them into CBD.

And how do you get to work every day?

VOX POP: Oh I'm going to TAFE but trains, they've go to Cooper's Plains. I come from Eagle Junction so it's a massive mess around yeah.

MATT WORDSWORTH: So what are you going to do?

VOX POP: Oh they say that they're going to call a cab for me and I get a free cab so I'm cheering, yeah.

MATT WORDSWORTH: Cab companies deployed their backup fleet normally reserved for the busy Friday and Saturday nights, but John Tighe from Black and White Cabs says they struck the same traffic as everyone else.

JOHN TIGHE: It's utter chaos and I apologise to our regular customers for that. We've simply been overloaded. I mean between 7 o'clock and 9 o'clock is our very peak time of the morning anyway. We can only do one job at a time, that's our problem.

MATT WORDSWORTH: One passenger says he's noticed a rising number of delays on the rail network.

VOX POP 2: In the last, yeah, like I said in the last couple of weeks.

MATT WORDSWORTH: And what kind of delays have you experienced up until today; obviously not as big as this?

VOX POP 2: Not as big as this, no, and not at such an inconvenient time. I mean I think the last one last night was at about 10, 9:30 or so.

MATT WORDSWORTH: Scott Emerson is the Liberal National Party's transport spokesman.

SCOTT EMERSON: Well there's a lot of angry commuters out there and they're very angry because they've been paying for more and more fares, higher fares, and they've kept hearing from Labor that these fares were going to better services.

But it you're a regular user of public transport, you've seen a lot of disruptions, a lot of delays, a lot of breakdowns in recent times.

MATT WORDSWORTH: Queensland is of course currently in the middle of an election campaign, and it's poor timing for the premier, who was only yesterday hoping to get her campaign back on track following the federal leadership crisis.

Now her minister has been left apologising.

ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK: Well first and foremost I want to apologise to commuters for the disruptions this morning that they have experienced, but I have just been advised by Queensland Rail that we do believe now that the issues have been rectified and train lines into the CBD are expected to resume shortly.

MATT WORDSWORTH: It was all a bit too late for some.

VOX POP 3: I just got off and I'm going to walk now.

MATT WORDSWORTH: Are you going to be late?

VOX POP 3: I'm already late. I'm very late, I've rung my boss.

ELEANOR HALL: Matt Wordsworth and one late commuter there in Brisbane.

And in a sign of the times, Queensland's Premier Anna Bligh has announced everyone travelling on the public transport network will ride for free tomorrow by way of apology.


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
金鱼和农夫 + 20 谢谢!



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发表于 29-2-2012 21:15:58 | 只看该作者
这报道是昨天的吧 ,今天都已经免费了啊 明天还免?

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 楼主| 发表于 1-3-2012 14:21:19 | 只看该作者

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