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[综合信息] Lucky to enjoy Australia's Forests ^_^

发表于 10-2-2011 22:09:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The International Year of Forests was launched by UN on 2nd February 2011 at the General Assembly Hall in New York City.

If you are interested, you may click the following link for detail. http://www.internationalyearofforests.com.au/

Australia's Forests
Australia has some of the most beautiful and productive forest areas in the whole world. These fantastic and magical places mean a lot of different things to different people. Some of us work with the wood from the forests. Some work with the creatures that live in the forests. Some of us live in the forests and some of us play in the forest (camping, hiking, exploring) and some of us just love looking and being in a forest!
Without a doubt what ever your use, be it a little or a lot, Australian’s should be proud of Australia’s forests!

The United Nations announced 2011 as the International Year of Forests. Australians can unite and celebrate our sustainably managed forests and the diversity that our forests bring to our lives. Our forests give us wood that we use every single day and these very same forests give us the best playground that our kids could ever hope for. Australia’s forests are used by everyone and are the best in the world!

Initiatives - Development and Planning
As this theme is for the whole of 2011, organisations and groups will be planning their events over the coming months. These activities range from large scale to local focus and incorporate schools, forestry industry, Government and conservation groups. We will endeavour to keep you up to date on what is happening by these emails however you are encouraged to regularly check the website to find out more. Some current activity that is in the planning stages includes:

  • ‘Grow your own forest wall’ initiative between Greening Australia and the Institute of Foresters of Australia and will target primary schools Australia wide and will run for approx 4-6 months.

  • The yForests group will be providing a regular feature article in The Australian newspaper and will be running a national writing competition with forests as the focus. yForests will also be live on Facebook shortly!

  • ‘Bringing the forest to the city’ initiative by Forests NSW. Planned for Martin Place, Sydney NSW.

  • Use of International Year of Forests official logo – many organisations (such as but not limited to: ForestrySA, DSE, IFA, Forests NSW, Forestry Tasmania, have started incorporating the official logo into email signatures, electronic newsletters and website banners. To seek permission to use the logo visit the UN website: www.un.org/en/events/iyof2011/logo.shtml.

  • National writing competition with forests as the focus.


January - Forestry Tasmania @ 25 Jan. 2011, Hobart, Tas

March - IYOF Official Launch Dinner @ 21 March 2011, Canberra, ACT

May - Pacific Forestry - Growing a forestry future conference @ 2~5 May 2011, Auckland, New Zealand


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
背包沉 + 50 谢谢分享!
Viola + 50 谢谢分享!



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