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求助各位大侠, 大家有没有见过,没有工学学位证,但是有机械设计自动化的本科毕业证申请EA的professional engineer成功的先例吗?
我读书的时候因为某些原因没能拿到学位证,现在也没法补办了。之前发过邮件咨询了EA的assessor, 回邮件说:I can confirm as long as you have successfully completed your FOUR years' studies which should lead to a Bachelor degree or equivalent level qualification, you are eligible to make an application.
这个equivalent qualifcation可以指代本科毕业证对吗?
As you have received an Engineering Qualification, if you can address a CDR properly and sufficiently, you can be assessed positively (at least at an Engineering Technologist level).
Furthermore, if you have a good work experience and may provide very supportive Employment Reference letter and a good CDR report, you certainly have a very good chance to be assessed as a Professional Engineer.
Without seeing your application documents, I can not make any further judgement, but I am sure you will be NOT rejected.
求助各位,这个CDR和雇主推荐信要到底什么程度才算good 和supportive呢?
请各位大侠不吝赐教,多谢 。 |