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It is intended that the new SOL would apply to all new GSM applications made from the date of implementation, except where transitional arrangements are likely to be provided for. Subject to the approval of the Governor-General in Council of amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994, it is intended that a new SOL would come into effect from 1 July 2010, along with the transitional provisions.
Subject to the approval of the Governor-General in Council of the proposed legislative amendments, it is intended that a number of transitional arrangements would be introduced to minimise the impact of this change on international students.
Further information is available on the DIAC’s website at: http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... ation/whats-new.htm
Up to and including 30 June 2010, assessment outcome letters will be issued in ASCO codes only
From and including 1 July 2010, assessment outcome letters will be issued in ANZSCO codes only
Applicants who hold, or are about to hold, an assessment outcome letter with an ASCO code issued by the ACS prior to 1 July 2010, will be advised on the assessment outcome review process in due course.
Yours Sincerely
Miss Rachal Underhill
Skills Assessment Officer |