我这两天也在帮我老婆准备TR转PR的文件。。 她入境以后没有给移民局提供澳洲这边的地址,前些天那些TR转PR的表直接给寄到国内家的地址去了。 然后让家人帮着又寄过来。
这两天我们也在忙着填表格。 基本上是以下:
1.Statutory Declaration from Sponsor
2.Statutory Declaration from Applicant
3.Copies of Documentation to evidence changes since visa application lodgement (For example if you passport has changed or been extended please enclose a copy of the bio-data page from your new passport)
4. Form 80 Personal Particulars for Character Assessment
5.If you have lived in Australia for a total of more than 12 months in the last 10 years you are required to provide an Australian Federal Police(AFP) clearance (http://www.afp.gov.au/_data/asse ... pplication_form.pdf).
6.Acknowledgement Card
7.Children born after visa grant or not previously included on your application.