I think you can have following childcare benifit , as for seasonal childcare tax rebate, that 50% of your out-of-pocket money, not income tested, would not apply to your couple , it requires two adults working in Aussie.
http://www.familyassist.gov.au/I ... much-more_32485.htm
Child Care Benefit Percentage
We work out your Child Care Benefit percentage from information you give us about:
your family's estimated annual income; and
the number of children you have in care.
The Child Care Benefit percentage decreases as a family's income increases. For a personal assessment contact us.
From July 2008, families with income above the income limits will no longer receive the minimum rate of Child Care Benefit. They will be assessed as zero rate Child Care Benefit. This will enable eligible families to continue to receive the Child Care Tax Rebate.
Table 2:
Child Care Benefit is not payable over the following income limits
Number of Children in care Income limits
1 $126 793
2 $131 457
3 $148 452
Each additional child add $28 028 |