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发表于 20-12-2008 01:21:18
A Sad Day for All Americans
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If Rick Warren had been anti-Black, anti-Hispanic, anti-Asian, anti-Jew, anti-any other minority other than gay, then he would not have been given a place at Obama's inaugural table because it would have been wrong to give such a person a platform in which to give validity to their bigotry. But since Warren is anti-gay, Obama tries to defend his choice by saying he wants to listen to differing viewpoints. Bigotry is bigotry, no matter what rhetoric you wrap it in. If we are to use Obama's failed logic on this issue, then white supremacists should have a chair at Obama's inaugural table (but they won't because we know their positions on social issues are wrong, just as Rick Warren is wrong). Obama blew it with this one. It is painfully obvious to anyone with a brain that this is simply pandering to the radical religious whack jobs who have held this country hostage, via the Bush regime, for the last 8 years. With this most egregious of decisions, Obama has flushed his credibility down the toilet. This is not change we can believe in. This is just more of the same garbage that gay people have had to deal with the last 8 years. And it stinks. Obama benefitted greatly from gay people's, their friends', and their families' financial donations and their votes (including financial donations and vote from this gay person). And how are we repaid? We are thrown under the bus. The hearts and minds of a huge segment of the U.S. population are lost by such a purely political maneuver, and we cannot be one people/one country because of it. Here's hoping Obama wises up. If he wants to fix this country, he's going to need everyone's involvement, and right now, gays, their families, and friends are feeling like their involvement in cleaning up this country is neither wanted nor desired. Not a good message. Not a good way to begin Obama's presidency. Not good at all. And there's no excuse for it.
the reverend and the president Ido not thinnk OBAMA made a good choice in this matter. maybe he was'told' that this is the way it had to be! I really would like tobelieve that!
If he chosen this Reverend on his own, well, then I guess alotof us got snowed during his campain. I am a straight female but I donot have issues with the bills for the gay community! based on theseentries, i wonder how many americans are saying: OOPS! did we make amistake on this one? and what is next that he is going to disappoint uswith? I am a strong believer in OBAMA and i really hope this decisionwas 'against his better judgement!
kh of NY
Dec 18, 2008 16:19:55 PM [permalink] [report comment]
Rick Warren is a bigot not deserving of invitation to the Inauguration Mr.Obama has demonstrated he lacks the moral fiber to represent me. I canno longer support Mr. Obama. The decision to have Rick Warren at theInauguration is shameful and an outrage. The guy is a flaming bigot whouses religion to attack GLBT folks. My civil rights are not some objectMr. Obama can trade away to the bigots for their political support. Ittakes moral fiber to stand up to bigotry and effect change. InvitingWarren to the Inauguration is an outrage that I cannot accept. I nolonger support Mr. Obama.
California of
Dec 18, 2008 16:36:28 PM [permalink] [report comment]
LGBT It'sconfusing to me as to how people who choose to live a certain lifestyle, feel that they deserve rights. Than we hear," you can't mixchurch with state, but when you go into the court you have to be swornin to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God".
This whole world is confused, politicians selling seats, stockmarket scandels, we're bailing out big business with billions ofdollars, but we cant find shelter or food for homeless or jobless.
Do people realize that Aids which is a sexually transmitteddisease is most common amoungst Afro-Americans, who either practicehomosexuality or are IV users. Well I will tell you this, GOD does notlook upon same sex marriages as OK, he speaks about it all through thebible, the koran and the Torah and any other form of belief in God.
So if Obama is going to stand up for what is right than, he ismaking a smart choice not sell his soul to the devil for politcal gain.He has enough problems to fix. The world is a mess; and now they wantto put a Black man in the White house. Wake up a America, we are headedfor bigger things than you can even imagine.
I advised you all to read Romans 1:21 Because that, when theyknew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; butbecame vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart wasdarkened. v24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness throughthe lust of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies betweenthemselves.
I feel sorry for Barak Obama, I know in his heart he wants tomake change, but unfortunately he is a tuff position to do much withoutthe elite making demands and pushing for a NEW WORLD ORDER and soon wewill see.
GLBT is against our natural being, it is an abomination. Peopleare right, dont mix church and state, because the state has changed thetruth of God into a lie, and have worshipped and served the creaturemore than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
Mr. Carmichael of NY
Dec 18, 2008 16:57:07 PM [permalink] [report comment]
Screw symbolism. Give me policy! It'snot surprising that HRC is making such a fuss about the "symbolism" ofthe Rick Warren invitation. They're the same organization who stood byBill Clinton as he threw us under the bus on issue after issue - allbecause of the "symbolic" nature of his having a couple of LGBTappointees and being the first President to address LGBT concerns.
I don't like that Obama picked Rick Warren to be a part of hisinauguration. But I'm much more interested in what he's going to doonce he's in power than how he gets ushered in. If he spends his firstyear as President making one of our issues a top priority - say bygetting ENDA passed so gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americanscan no longer be fired just for being who they are - I won't care onebit about who said a few words at some "symbolic" ceremony.
Sam of NY
Dec 18, 2008 17:01:46 PM [permalink] [report comment]
I believe in equality for everyone Iwish all people would keep their sexual preferences in their bedrooms.It is none of my business what individual people prefer sexually. Toinvolve me against my will in sexual practices with people that are notof my choice steals from my right to not be involved in other sexualpractices.
It is a rape. I believe homosexuality is raping our culture.
BBrehm of WA
Dec 18, 2008 17:50:25 PM [permalink] [report comment]
Rick Warren Come on people!!!
Whether Rick Warren does the convocation or not, I don't believeit will change how the Gay Community or how Rick Warren thinks oncertain issues. Everyone is not going to agree with either all thetime. Think about it and MOVE ON!!!
B Warren of OH
Dec 18, 2008 18:48:34 PM [permalink] [report comment]
Rick Warren Obama's choice Obamachoose Rev. Warren and that is the end of it. It has nothing to do withpeople being gay or otherwise. some people may be offended that he didnot choose someone black , since he is making history. I feel confidentin my vote for Obama. Every gay, les, and transg. person out therewants everybody to be like them or accept their way of living. Now youwant to decide who should swear in the President of the United States.What? Do want someone dressed in a pink boa and thick makeup and ballscarefully tucked to the butthole to preside at this historic event. No,I don't think so. Look, I don't think this is a slap in the face togays. This is his moment and his choice. I am more upset that someonecan throw shoes at our president and everyone thinks that it was a "sowhat" event. Just because rev. Warren is not gay does not make him abigot. The Bible is clearly against this way of living period end ofstory. That evil spirit that has consumed your soul will take you tohell. You can let people tell you different if you want. That is thelye you love to hear. Folks, never confuse rascism of a persons colorwith being gay. They are not and will never be the same.
Keattea of
Dec 18, 2008 19:06:46 PM [permalink] [report comment]
Ido not know much about Rick Warren but, he is the person that Obamachose and we need to respect that. Since when did gays care aboutreligion or speakers of The Bible? Would you have a problem if it wasTD Jakes or Pat Robinson? That speak against the spirit of gays. Ithink that you people just want to be against anyone who believes whatthe Bible says about your way of living. There is nothing wrong withhis choice. For the record, I wish people stop trying to lump gays withethnic divers cultures. It is not the same.People are not born gay butpeople are born different color.
Kellie of TN
Dec 18, 2008 19:16:01 PM [permalink] [report comment]
Lost my Vote Iwish that i could take my vote back now. I can't believe Obama would dosuch a thing. It is also interesting that I can't find any place tocomment on the Obama site about this after donating hundreds of dollarsand time to his campaign. I Just took the Obama sticker off of my car. |