http://www.immi.gov.au/visas/hum ... ds/precardorder.htm
If you were granted a Permanent Protection visa after 23 March 2013, you can apply for a Permanent Resident Evidence (PRE) ImmiCard online. If your children were born in Australia they are not eligible for an ImmiCard as they can obtain an Australian birth certificate.
Privacy Statement
Read the privacy statement below before you apply for your Permanent Resident ImmiCard.
We have authority under the Migration Act 1958 and the Australian Citizenship Act 2007, and other legislation, to collect your personal information. Please see Form 1442i for more information. You may also call our privacy officer on 131 881 or email privacy@immi.gov.au.
By completing the online order form, you consent to your personal information being used for the purpose of an ImmiCard. We can also provide your personal information to other government agencies and financial institutions to confirm your identity and/or verify documents that we have issued.
If you are using a public computer, please ensure that you do not leave any personal information on the computer when you have finished.
What do I need to order a card?
You will need to provide your personal details and your visa grant details. This information can be found on the Visa Grant Notice you were given when your visa was granted. It is important that you enter your details exactly as they appear on the Visa Grant Notice.
You must include up-to-date address details in your application as your ImmiCard will be sent to this address. Your card cannot be sent to a post office box.
If you need help to complete the online form you can ask for assistance from your service provider, refugee support group, family or friends.
When will my card be delivered?
If your application is successful, your PRE ImmiCard will arrive by registered post within 14 days from the date you submit your application. Do not resubmit your application or contact us during this time. If your application is not successful, you will receive an email stating the reason why.
If you are not at home when the ImmiCard is delivered, you will be able to collect it from the Australia Post office named on the delivery slip left in your post box. To collect your post from a post office you will need to prove who you are by showing your Visa Grant Notice or Medicare card.
What can I do if I haven't received my ImmiCard?
If your ImmiCard is not available when you are released from detention you might be given an ImmiCard Report. The ImmiCard Report contains your personal details and unique ImmiCard number. You can use your ImmiCard report to access services instead of an ImmiCard. Agencies can verify your visa entitlements using the ImmiCard number through visa entitlement verification online system known as 'VEVO'. |