8.26 elodge,今天CO终于现身了,阿德莱德 team6.要求补无犯罪证明,但我有些疑惑,向坛子里的xdjm请教一下:
2.Checklist里面有这样一句话“Please provide a receipt for your police certificate and advise the department of the expected turnaround time.” 这是什么意思?看来英语还是烂啊
3.Checklist里还提到“You must provide an original police certificate from each country where......" 怎么还要提供original certificate,不是扫描后email回给CO就okay了吗?难道还要邮寄原件?大家是怎么做的
这是移民局对certified copies给出的解释,我是找了位医生朋友给做的。
Certified copies
For the purposes of the migration legislation, a document is to be certified in writing as a true
copy of the original document by:
if the copy is certified outside Australia:
● a person who is the equivalent of a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for
Declarations in that place (for example a public notary); or
● a registered migration agent (whose registration is not suspended or subject to a caution).