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发表于 27-8-2014 14:01:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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2014-08-25 19:14:51 来源: 网易教育频道综合 

39岁的Dos Santos出生在巴西,已经在澳大利亚悉尼生活了九年,期间一直在咖啡店工作。8月17日,他去一家名为Forbes and Burton咖啡店面试,在电话里,他告诉店主自己来自巴西。结果店主一见到他就吃了一惊——他万万没想到这位巴西人是黑人。
网易教育讯 据英国《每日邮报》综合报道,39岁的Dos Santos出生在巴西,已经在澳大利亚悉尼生活了九年,期间一直在咖啡店工作。8月17日,他去一家名为Forbes and Burton咖啡店面试,在电话里,他告诉店主自己来自巴西。结果店主一见到他就吃了一惊——他万万没想到这位巴西人是黑人。店主马上就请Dos Santos打道回府:

● “咖啡店的很多顾客都是白人,我想这里的顾客希望有当地人提供服务,而不是非洲人”

○ "There are a lot of white customers at the café and I think the clients here want local people, not African people."

比较让人哭笑不得的是,Dos Santos早已是澳大利亚公民。而这位名叫Steven Hu的店主倒是9个月前才从上海来到澳大利亚的。

Steven Hu
Steven Hu

Dos Santos
Dos Santos

郁闷的Dos Santos随即向店员和店内顾客诉苦,根据这篇报道,有不少顾客当即抗议或者干脆走人,还有一名店员当场辞职。



Next stop Antarctica:

● 我的血都气炸了,希望悉尼人都可以看到这新闻,抵制这家店,我更愿意从一些“当地人”那里买咖啡。黑人咖啡店员很酷——而且咖啡本身也不是源自于中国。

○ This makes my blood boil. Hopefully Sydneysiders will see this and boycott this place, I would rather buy my coffee from "someone local". Black baristas are cool - and coffee certainly didn't originate in china.

norman miles:

● 哇,如果有一天我们没有白人的医疗人员、飞行员或者服务员会发生什么?那时候我只会对咖啡感兴趣了,特别是蓝山咖啡,因为它必须由牙买加的白人工人采摘。这个叫Steven的家伙是个怎样的白痴啊!

○ Wow,what the hell is going to happen when we run out of white medical staff,pilots,or servicemen. I for one would only be interested in the coffee.Blue mountain preferably.Which has only been harvested by white workers in Jamaica. What sort of an idiot is this character called Steven.

Pedro Conejo:

● 我曾记得听到一个同事说,她拒绝一个隔壁面包房的的黑人女孩的服务。这令我听起来很不舒服,那是70年代的英国啊,现在这件事和当时那件一样让我觉得不爽,很明显,我们周围还是有一些极端保守主义者。

○ I remember hearing a fellow worker say she refused to be served by the black girl working in the bakery next door. It made me feel sick to hear it. That was England in the 1970s and it was as disgusting then as it is now. Thankfully, it's a lot less common, though there are some troglodytes still around evidently.



● 对了,这个咖啡店主来自中国,所以他也不是当地人,这对他意味着什么?

○ Well the cafe owner is from China, so he's not local either. Where does that leave him?


● 多么讽刺啊,他只希望雇佣“当地人”,但是他却今年刚从故乡搬到澳洲!请原谅我的用词,不过这不是典型的“锅嫌壶黑”吗?

○ How ironic. He only wants to employ "locals" and yet he only moved to Australia from his native land THIS YEAR!! Excuse the phrase but isn't this a case of POT, KETTLE, BLACK!!


● 不好意思,不过桑托斯应该比中国店主更适合做咖啡吧(老天啊,他可是巴西来的哟)。

○ I'm sorry but wouldn't Mr. Dos Santos be more fit to make coffee (being from Brazil for Pete's sake) than the Chinese owner?



● 作为一名华人,这次明目张胆的种族主义表演让我深感震惊。即使我只算是一个同宗(我来自马来西亚,是个部分由华人构成的国家)。像Steven这样的人,是对我们这些摒弃肤色种族偏见的人的羞辱。Dos Santos先生,我代表其他华人向你道歉。

○ As a fellow Chinese I am seriously appalled by this blatant show of racism, even more so by a clansman (I'm from Malaysia, partially Chinese country). It's people like "Steven" who bring shame upon the rest of us who have no problems accepting people regardless of skin colour, race etc. Mr. Dos Santos, on behalf of the rest of us, my apologies.

Adrian Ho:

● 作为一个澳籍华人,我要说你是华人群体中的一个巨大耻辱。希望你无法得到签证,爬回老家。我们不需要像你一样心地狭隘的人。

○ Being an Australian Chinese, you are a big disgrace to the Chinese community. Hope you never get your visa and crawl back to your country. We don't need narrow-minded people like you.




EXCLUSIVE: 'My customers are white. I don’t think they want their coffee made by black people': Shocking claims by a Sydney cafe owner who refused to hire a black barista, sparking a walkout by staff and customers(原载于英国每日邮报网站,作者:Lucy Thackray、Sally Lee)

Fair Work Ombudsman investigating cafe owner who would not hire man 'because he is black'(原载于悉尼先驱晨报网站,作者:Alexandra Back)

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