5. Do you ever use a Chinese Commercial Code Number for your names shown in the passoort/travel document?-只在填写高考还有移民局的表格使用过,需要填yes吗?
8. Have you ever been known by other names or spellings of your name?-我的理解是我没改过名字就是填no,求解
34. Name shown on document: 如果我填中国的身份证,这里名字要写中文还是英文呢?
42. Details of your arrival in australia: date and city of arrival
44. have you travelled to Australia before, give details in chronological order:每次出入境的details都要填吗?
47.Give details of all employment including periods of unemployment: 这个all要从什么时候算起??
For current or previous periods of unemployment please advise how you occupied your time and how you supported yourself:这个要怎么解释比较合适?
49. List all education and qualifications undertaken:要从小学写起吗?
g. is this parent currently , or have they ever been, a citizen of any country?-填中国对吧
59. have you ever had a visa cancelled by any country?-收到190邀请后withdraw过一个572签证,需要填吗?
5. Do you ever use a Chinese Commercial Code Number for your names shown in the passoort/travel document?-只在填写高考还有移民局的表格使用过,需要填yes吗?
高考有填过Chinese Commercial Code Number 嘛,不记得了,反正我都填了NO
8. Have you ever been known by other names or spellings of your name?-我的理解是我没改过名字就是填no,求解
34. Name shown on document: 如果我填中国的身份证,这里名字要写中文还是英文呢?
42. Details of your arrival in australia: date and city of arrival
PART D,onshore才要填,我理解是如果申请人在境内,填本次入境的情况
44. have you travelled to Australia before, give details in chronological order:每次出入境的details都要填吗?
47.Give details of all employment including periods of unemployment: 这个all要从什么时候算起??
For current or previous periods of unemployment please advise how you occupied your time and how you supported yourself:这个要怎么解释比较合适?
我的理解是从首次工作开始填,到现在,期间如果有没工作的时间,需要填怎样occupied your time and how you supported yourself
49. List all education and qualifications undertaken:要从小学写起吗?
g. is this parent currently , or have they ever been, a citizen of any country?-填中国对吧
59. have you ever had a visa cancelled by any country?-收到190邀请后withdraw过一个572签证,需要填吗?