This is money paid at the start of a tenancy to the landlord as a security deposit. If you breach any of the conditions in your lease agreement, the landlord can claim all or part of your bond as compensation.
Bond is usually equal to four weeks' rent but if the weekly rent is more than $250 the landlord can ask for a bond equal to six weeks’ rent.
Landlords can also ask for two weeks' rent in advance. This is also paid at the start of your tenancy.
If you will be boarding or lodging in a rooming house or will be renting in a residential park the amounts of bond and rent in advance are different.
What happens to a bond?
Bonds are lodged with Consumer and Business Services (CBS) who keep it until the end of the tenancy.
All or part of the bond can be claimed by the landlord if you:
cause property damage
are in rent arrears
breach other conditions in the lease agreement.
If no claims are made the bond will be returned to you, your guarantor or to Housing SA if they provided a bond on your behalf.
If you think a bond is being claimed unfairly you can dispute it - see Disputing a bond claim.