2. 税率是公司决定的吗?公司如何决定税率呢?对于Australian resident for tax purposes,457签证不满足 “you have always lived in Australia” 和 “you moved to Australia and live here permanently”。对于“you have been in Australia continuously for six months or more, and for most of the time you have been in the same job, and living in the same place”,是不是意味着前半年必须按照Foreign residents交税?公司/政府如何判断以个人是否“living in the same place”?
2. 税率是公司决定的吗?公司如何决定税率呢?对于Australian resident for tax purposes,457签证不满足 “you have always lived in Australia” 和 “you moved to Australia and live here permanently”。对于“you have been in Australia continuously for six months or more, and for most of the time you have been in the same job, and living in the same place”,是不是意味着前半年必须按照Foreign residents交税?公司/政府如何判断以个人是否“living in the same place”?
在决定税率的时候,如何判断一个人对这个问题的回答:"Do you intend staying in Australia for six months or more?”
还是第一个财年都是按照"Foreign Resident'来算税,到了财年结束再退回来?
我觉得你没必要担心这些。你在这里住满6个月了嘛?没住满的话,你打算住满六个月嘛?你住满六个月,或者打算住六个月,你etax申报的时候就报自己的resident for tax purpose——这些都是税务局来决定的,不是你自己想干嘛就干嘛,或者公司给你报什么就什么的——即使错了,你到时候也可以向税务局更正,要求退税,无非就是烦一点。