具体内容在customs tariff act 中, shedule 4 item 15里有说明,具体规定在bylaw
Sch4 ite15:
Goods, as prescribed by by-law, being:
(a) goods imported by passengers or members of the crew of ships or aircraft;
(b) goods that:
(i) at the time they are approved for delivery for home consumption, are the property of a person who has arrived in Australia on an international flight within the meaning of section 96B of the Customs Act 1901; and
(ii) were purchased by that person in an inwards duty free shop within the meaning of that section;
(c) goods, brought into, or sent to, Australia by such members of the Defence Force stationed outside Australia as are prescribed by
(d) goods imported by members of the forces of Canada, New Zealand or the United Kingdom; or
(e) passengers' personal effects, furniture or household goods
Goods, as prescribed by by-law, being:
(a) goods imported by passengers or members of the crew of ships or aircraft;
(b) goods that:
(i) at the time they are approved for delivery for home consumption, are the property of a person who has arrived in Australia on an international flight within the meaning of section 96B of the Customs Act 1901; and
(ii) were purchased by that person in an inwards duty free shop within the meaning of that section;
(c) goods, brought into, or sent to, Australia by such members of the Defence Force stationed outside Australia as are prescribed by
(d) goods imported by members of the forces of Canada, New Zealand or the United Kingdom; or
(e) passengers' personal effects, furniture or household goods |