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[其他] 宝宝牛奶金的问题

发表于 27-5-2011 15:57:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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新移民的话,一个宝宝的牛奶金可以领多少? 2个宝宝是翻倍吗?


发表于 27-5-2011 16:08:13 | 只看该作者
Table 1: This table shows the maximum rate of Family Tax Benefit
Part A that you may get
For each dependent child Payment
per fortnight
per year
per year with
Under 13 years $160.30 $4179.25 $4905.60
13–15 years $208.46 $5434.85 $6161.20
16–17 years $51.24 $1335.90 $2062.25
18–24 years $68.74 $1792.15 $2518.50
In an approved care
organisation 0–24 years $51.24 $1335.90 N/A
Note: any child support payments that you or your partner get for your
children are not counted as family income but may affect the amount of
Family Tax Benefit you are paid. See ‘Maintenance income test for Family
Tax Benefit Part A’ below.
Part rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A
Generally, if your income is above $45 114 a year, your payment
will reduce by 20 cents for each dollar above $45 114 until your
payment reaches the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A (see
Tables 2 and 3 below).
Table 2: This table shows the income limit above which only the base
rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A may be paid ($pa)
No. of children
0–12 yrs
No. of children 13–15 years
Nil One Two Three
Nil $65 609 $86 104 $106 599
One $59 331 $79 826 $100 321 $120 815
Two $73 548 $94 043 $114 537 $135 032
Three $87 765 $108 259 $128 754 $149 249
Note: depending on your circumstances (e.g. if you are eligible
for Rent Assistance), the income limit may be different than
stated. You should contact the Family Assistance Office for a
more accurate assessment.
Table 3: This table shows the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A
For each dependent child Payment
per fortnight
per year
Payment per
year with
Under 18 years $51.24 $1335.90 $2062.25
18–24 years $68.74 $1792.15 $2518.50
The amount of Family Tax Benefit Part A will then reduce by 30
cents for every dollar of income over $94 316 a year (plus $3796 a
year for each Family Tax Benefit child after the first) until your actual
annual family income reaches the income limit (see Table 4 below).
Income limit at which Family Tax Benefit Part A paid
fortnightly may stop
Table 4: This table shows the income limits at which fortnightly
payments of Family Tax Benefit Part A may stop ($pa). These
figures do not include the supplement
No. of children
0–17 years
No. of children 18–24 years
Nil One Two Three
Nil $100 290 $110 060 $120 791
One $98 769 $108 539 $119 270 $130 001
Two $107 018 $117 749 $128 480 $139 211
Three $116 229 $126 960 $137 691 $148 422
Note: depending on your circumstances (e.g. if you are eligible
for Rent Assistance), the income limit may be different than
stated. You should contact the Family Assistance Office for a
more accurate assessment.
Income limit at which Family Tax Benefit Part A
including the supplement may not be paid
Table 5: This table shows the income limits at which Family Tax Benefit
Part A, including the supplement may not be paid ($pa)
No. of children
0–17 years
No. of children 18–24 years
Nil One Two Three
Nil $102 711 $114 902 $128 055
One $101 191 $113 382 $126 534 $139 686
Two $111 861 $125 013 $138 165 $151 317
Three $123 492 $136 644 $149 796 $162 949
Note: depending on your circumstances (e.g. if you are eligible
for Rent Assistance), the income limit may be different than
stated. You should contact the Family Assistance Office for a
more accurate assessment.
If your estimate of annual family income is higher than the income
limit for fortnightly payments but lower than the income limit for
payment including the supplement, you may be entitled to some
Family Tax Benefit Part A after the end of the financial year. You
should lodge a lump sum claim when your actual annual family
income is known.
Note: lump sum claims must be made within two years of the
end of the financial year for which you are claiming. For example,
lump sum claims for the 2010–11 financial year must be lodged
by 30 June 2013.
Family Tax Benefit Part A payments are based on your
family’s income over the entire financial year
How much payment you are entitled to depends on your actual
annual family income.
To get the most assistance to families that need it most, there is a
maximum rate of benefit for those on a low income and a base rate
for families on a moderate income.
There is also an upper income limit above which you are not entitled
to receive any Family Tax Benefit Part A because your family’s
income is too high.
Families who do not provide their own estimate of income will have
their most recent estimate or actual annual family income indexed
in line with increases in average weekly earnings.
Families may provide a new reasonable estimate of their income if
they disagree with the one provided by the Family Assistance Office
or if their income changes.
Note: if you and/or your partner are not required to lodge a tax
return you should tell the Family Assistance Office.
Maintenance income test for Family Tax
Benefit Part A
To receive more than the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A for
children of a previous relationship, you must take reasonable action
to obtain child support. Parents who have children from a previous
same-sex relationship can apply for child support. You should
contact the Family Assistance Office for advice on your individual
situation if you are unsure about meeting this requirement. Blind
pensioners are exempt from this requirement.
If you receive more than the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A,
child support received above the maintenance income free area
will reduce Family Tax Benefit Part A by 50 cents in the dollar, until
the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A is reached. Child support
received for a child only affects Family Tax Benefit paid for that child.


参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
冰翡翠 + 30 谢谢分享!




发表于 27-5-2011 16:09:29 | 只看该作者


发表于 27-5-2011 18:10:57 | 只看该作者
原帖由 zhaocaimao 于 27-5-2011 14:57 发表
新移民的话,一个宝宝的牛奶金可以领多少? 2个宝宝是翻倍吗?
新手上路,很多不明白的 ...

1. 一个宝宝,牛奶金+租金补助领全了,最高大概$390/2weeks(其中包括租房补贴130/2weeks),两个更多,但可能不是翻倍,也要看你申报的夫妻双方的年收入和租金支出而定
2. 落地开始算,但是你需要有税号,还得到centrelink登记注册,这个过程大概要1-2个月,如果文件不全(比如7岁以下宝宝需要免疫证明,否则不能领),可能耽误更长时间,但是至少一年内的都可以将来补领。



参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
冰翡翠 + 30 谢谢分享!




发表于 27-5-2011 18:18:07 | 只看该作者
http://www.centrelink.gov.au/int ... line_estimators.htm



 楼主| 发表于 28-5-2011 01:17:22 | 只看该作者


发表于 30-5-2011 15:34:58 | 只看该作者


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发表于 29-7-2011 11:45:53 | 只看该作者
原帖由 ubuntuhk 于 27-5-2011 17:18 发表
http://www.centrelink.gov.au/int ... line_estimators.htm

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