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Lawmakers urge end to gay immigration discrimination
A group of 60 senators and representatives, led by U.S. Rep.Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc., signed a letter urging President Barack Obamaand members of Congress to end discrimination against LGBT immigrant families.
The letter states, tens of thousands of binational families areeither already living separately, face imminent separation, or haveleft the U.S. entirely in order to remain together. This isunacceptable, and we believe comprehensive immigration reformlegislation must include a strong family reunification componentinclusive of LGBT families.
The current immigration law does not allow LGBT Americans to sponsor their partners mainly due to a lack of marriage recognition.
According to 2000 Census data compiled by the Williams Institute, a UCLA-based think tank that focuses on sexual orientation, more than 36,000 LGBT binational Americans would benefit by having the ability to sponsor their partners for residency. And almost half of those families 47 percent are raising children.
Until changes are made, the members of Congress contend the current situation is punishing families.
No one should be forced to choose between the person they love and the country they call home. the letter states. It is time that our immigration laws kept families together instead of tearing them apart.
Currently at least 20 countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom and Israel, allow citizens and legal residents to sponsor their same-sex partners for immigration purposes, according to the Williams Institute.
[ 本帖最后由 choz 于 15-2-2010 01:00 编辑 ] |