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转贴fishing Rigs的用法

发表于 22-1-2010 16:16:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The following illustrations are fairly well all-purpose, butfor tropical waters we strongly suggest that a 35-45lb mono leader beused prior to attaching a lure. If you are going after fish likemackerel, it is also a good idea to use black wire and swivels.


For lure fishing simply attach the lure to the end of the line, but don't use a swivel.

When bait fishing it is far more productive to use a float that breaks loose when hit.

In both cases use 6-7.5kg (12-15lb) line and 3/0 to 5/0 hooks forbait fishing. The styrene float is attached to the line using a Float Stop so that it breaks loose on a strike. Don't half-hitch the line around the float, as the line will snap if a twist develops.

Lines are 3kg (6lb) and hooks are No 2, No 1, or 1/0. The traceshould be as long as is manageable in order to tempt timid fish tobite. 1.3m is a good length.


Depending on the size of fish targetted, the line can be 10-40kg (20-80lb) and hooks from 5/0 to 8/0.


Coral Trout
For trolling simply attach the fly, lure or spoon to the line without using a swivel.

For bottom fishing the line should be 10-30kg (20-60lb) dependingon the size of the fish being targetted and the roughness of the bottomcoral. Hooks need to be 5/0 to 8/0 and attached with a Surgeon's End Loop.


4-5kg (8-10lb) line and No 2 or No 1 hook.


3-5 kg (6-10lb) line in all cases, however the hook size variesfrom 1/0 to 4/0 depending on the size of fish targetted. A wire traceshouldn't be used but you can strengthen the nylon trace by doubling itusing a Simple Loop Knot.


Lines are 7.5-15kg (15-30lb) using 5/0 to 8/0 hooks. This is one of the few fish that require a wire trace.


For school jewfish in estuaries, use 7.5-10kg (15-20lb) line and4/0 to 6/0 hooks. For big jewfish off beaches and rock walls,strengthen up to 15-25kg (30-50lb) line and 6/0 to 8/0 hooks, andextend the trace 20-40cm.


Mangrove Jack
Use 7.5-20kg (15-40lb) line to stop the fish from diving intosnags, and use 4/0 to 6/0 hooks. Never use a wire trace and go toheavier nylon if additional trace strength is required.

For lure fishing simply attach the lure to the end of the line without a swivel.

For trolling simply attach the lure to the end of the line without a swivel.

For bait fishing the lines are 6-10kg (12-20lb) and 2/0 to 5/0 hooks.


Red Emperor
Deep waters are best fished with a handlines. Use 20-40kg (40-80lb) line and 5/0 to 8/0 hooks.


There are 2 good options here, both using 6-15kg (12-30lb) line and 1/0 to 8/0 hooks. (Dropper Loops)


Spanish Mackerel
For lure fishing attach the lure to the end of 12.5-25kg(20-50lb) line without a swivel. For drift fishing use 12.5-25kg(20-50lb) line and 5/0 to 8/0 ganged hooks. For both rigs, rather thana wire trace, thread 15 cm of clear plastic tubing above the lure toavoid making the fish wary.


Use 7.5-20kg (15-40lb) and 1/0 to 6/0 hooks.


For lure fishing attach the lure to the end of 5-15kg (10-30lb)line without a swivel. For still water fishing use 1/0 to 5/0 hooks.


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 楼主| 发表于 22-1-2010 16:18:49 | 只看该作者
There is one small hitch encountered by many first timeknot-tiers. Their expert instructors seem to assume that their fellowfishermen are familiar with the Surgeon's Knot, the Bimini Twist andthe like. But long before I moved into the field of knot-tying, I wascontent to join a line-to-swivel, swivel-to-trace and trace-to-hook viaa Simple Loop Knot, where the loop is made only perhaps 25mm long -just long enough to pass over the hook and swivel.
The Loop Knot can be tied readily in thedark, and equally readily attached to swivel and hook. If fishing forflathead, you may have more confidence in your gear if the loop to thehook is made about 12.5cm long, thus taking the fish on a doubledtrace.

As experience is gained, you may wish to move on from the Loop Knot to knots that lie closer to hook and swivel.


One of these is the Half Blood Knot, which is more correctly halfof the Barrel Knot. THIS KNOT WILL SLIP. It has cost me more fish thanI want to remember.

If you must use it, then you have two choices:
a) Stop the end of the line with a simple Overhand Knot, and draw it against the turns of the knot.

b) or make the Half Blood Knot into a Clinch Knot.

The following illustrations are fairly well all-purpose, butfor tropical waters we strongly suggest that a 35-45lb mono leader beused prior to attaching a lure. If you are going after fish likemackerel, it is also a good idea to use black wire and swivels.


Clinch Knot

  • Pass the line through the eye of the hook, or swivel.
  • Double back. make five turns around the line.
  • Pass the end of the line through the first loop, above the eye, and then through the large loop. Draw the knot into shape.
  • Slide the coils down tight against the eye.

Jansik Special

Another beautifully simple knotthat can be tied in the dark, The Jansik Special is a high strength knot tied as follows:

  • Put 15cm of line through the eye of the hook.
  • Bring it around in a circle and put the end through again.
  • Making a second circle, pass then end through a third time.
  • Holding the three circles of line against each other, wrap the end three times around the circles.
  • Either hold the hook steady with pliers, or make it fast to boat's rigging or safety lines.
  • Holding strain on the hook, pull on both ends of the line to tighten.

Palomar Knot

The Palomar Knot is another very simple knot for terminal tackle. It isregarded by the International Game Fish Association consistently as thestrongest knot known. It's great virtue is that it can safely be tiedat night with a minimum of practice.

  • Double about 12.5cm of line, and pass through the eye.
  • Tie a simple Overhand Knot in the doubled line, letting the hook hang loose. Avoide twisting the lines.
  • Pull the end of loop down, passing it completely over the hook.
  • Pull both ends of the line to draw up the knot.

Hangman's Knot

Thereare at least 6 variations of the Hangman's Knot, - all of themexcellent for terminal tackle, swivels and hooks. The "standard"Hangman's Knot holds only five turns when tied in monofilament nylon.If tied in rope, and used for its stated purpose, it takes eight turns.

  • Pass a 15cm loop of line through the eye.
  • Bring the end back on itself, passing it under the doubled part.
  • Make five loops over the doubled part.
  • The formed knot is worked into shape.
  • The knot is sent down the line, against the eye of the hook or swivel.

Scaffold Knot

Thisis a much simpler variant. In all likelihood, this Grant's Uni-Knot. Ihave used it for more than fifty years and it has never failed me,whether tied in 1kg or 50kg monofilament. It was taught to me by thelate Wally Kerr, a top flathead fisherman.

  • Pass a 15cm loop of line through the eye.
  • Lock the upper part between thumb and forefinger, making a loop.
  • Make two more loops over the double part, holding them too, between thumb and forefinger.
  • Pass the end through the two loops just made, plus the first loop made in step2.
  • The formed knot can now be drawn into shape, and worked down against the eye of the hook or swivel.

Snelling A Hook
One small problem is the variety of names that may be applied tothe one knot, for example, a Granny is a False Knot, a Clove Hitch is aWaterman's Knot, an Overhand Knot is a Thumb Knot. But when we come tosnelling a hook, the length of nylon attached to the hook may be asnell or a snood.
I now find that the actual job of tying the snood may be calledsnoozing, while snelling is often jealously thought of as an artrestricted to the fly fisherman. I have fished with bottom-fisherman onthe Great Barrier Reef who routinely snell their hooks.

Restricted to lines of breaking strength less than about 20kg, the process is a simple one.

  • Pass the end of the line, trace or tippet through the eye twice, leaving a loop hanging below the hook.
  • Hold both lines along the shank of the hook.
  • Use the loop to wind tight coils around the shank and both lines, from the eye upwards. Use from 5 to 10 turns.
  • Use the fingers to hold these tight coils in place. Pull theline (extending from the eye) until the whole loop has passed underthese tight coils.
  • With coils drawn up, use pliers to pull up the end of the line.

Joining Line To Line
There are two top grade knots used to join one line to another,where these are approximately of the same thickness. These are theBlood Knot and the Hangman's Knot - also called the Uni Knot by theInternational Game Fish Association.

Wherethere diameters are very dissimilar, either the Surgeon's Knot shouldbe used, or the thinner line should be doubled where the knot isformed.

Blood Knot

  • Lie the ends of the two lines against each other, overlapping about 15cm.
  • Take 5 turns around one line with the end of the other, and bring the end back where it's held between the two lines.
  • Repeat by taking 5 turns around the other line, bringing theend back between the two lines. These two ends should then project inopposite directions.
  • Work the knot up into loops, taking care that the two ends do not slip out of position.
  • Draw the knot up tightly.


Uni-Knot Version Of The Hangman's Knot
A better join can be made using one of the Hangman's Knots, knownto the International Game Fish Association fisherman as the Uni-Knot.
This is a knot used for attaching the line to the spool of the reel.

  • Overlap the two lines for about 15cm.
  • Using one end, form a circle that overlies both lines.
  • Pass the end six times around the two lines.
  • Pull the end tight to draw the knot up into shape.
  • Repeat the process using the end of the other line.
  • Pull both lines to slide the two knots together.

Surgeon's Knot

Earliermention was made that if the two lines to be joined vary greatly intheir diameters, the lesser line may be doubled at the knot, or theSurgeon's Knot may be used. In the latter case, it will probably benecessary to have one of the lines rolled on a spool, or perhapswrapped on a temporary card, so that it may be passed through the loop.

  • Lay the two lines against each other, overlapping about 22.5 cm.
  • Working the two lines as one, tie an Overhand Knot. It will benecessary to pull one line (say the leader) completely through thisloop.
  • Pull the leader through this loop again.
  • Pass the other end through the loop.
  • The formed knot can now be worked into shape.

Spider Hitch
The offshore fisherman often have a need to tie a double line - along loop of line that is obviously stronger, and easier to handle,than the line itself. In accordance with International Game FishAssociation Rules, the double line may be up to 4.5m long in lines upto 10kg, and as much as 9m in heavier lines.

Thedouble may be tied by means of the simple Spider Hitch with lines to15kg. The big game boys use the Bimini Twist, a double that is normallyformed by two people who make the intitial twenty twists. The Bimini isobviously beyond the scope of this little book. It's smaller brother,the Spider Hitch, is a much faster and easier knot for the light tacklefisherman.

  • Form a loop of the desired length, say 1.25m.
  • Twist a section into a small loop.
  • This is the only tricky part - hold this loop with thumb andforefinger, the thumb extending above the finger, and with the loopstanding up beyond the tip of the thumb.
  • Wind the doubled line around the thumb and the loop 5 times.
  • Send the rest of the long loop through the small loop, and pull gently to unwind the turns off the thumb.
  • The knot is now formed and worked into tight coils.

Offshore Swivel Knot

This is a special knot used for attaching a swivel to a double line.

  • Put the end of the double line through the eye of the swivel.
  • Rotate the end half a turn, putting a single twist between the end of the loop and the swivel eye.
  • Pass the loop with the twist over the swivel. Hold the end ofthe loop, together with the double, with one hand, and allow the swivelto slide to the end of the double loops that have formed.
  • Continue holding the loop and the lines with the right hand.Use the left hand to rotate the swivel through both loops 6 times ormore.
  • Keep pressure on both parts of the double line. Release the loop. Pull on the swivel and loops of line will start to form.
  • Holding the swivel with pliers, or (better still) attaching itwith a short length of line to the rigging, push the loop down towardsthe eye while keeping pressure on the double line.

Surgeons End Loop
Loops are made for the purpose of attaching leaders, traces orother terminal tackle. They have the advantage that they can be tiedquickly and in the dark.
The Surgeon's End Loop is an easy way to go.


  • Take the end of the line and double it to form a loop of the required size.
  • Tie an Overhand Knot at the desired point, leaving the loop open.
  • Bring the doubled line through the loop again.
  • Hold the line and the end part together, and pull the loop to form a knot.

Blood Bight Knot

Another end loop can be tied quickly and easily using the Blood Bight Knot.

  • Double the line back to make a loop of the size desired.
  • Bring the end of the loop twice over the doubled part.
  • Now pass the end of the loop through the first loop formed in the doubled part.
  • Draw the knot up into shape, keeping pressure on both lines.
The Blood Bight Knot is often used for attaching a dropper when fishing deep water with several hooks.
Some anglers attached the hook directly to the end of the loop, which should be at least 30cm from the end of the line.
This is not a good practice, especially when the fish are shy.Far better to attach a single strand of nylon to a short Blood BightKnot, using another Blood Bight Knot, or a Surgeon's Knot.

Dropper Loop
A better method of forming a loop, or loops, in the line abovethe sinker is to use the old Dropper Loop. This draws into a knot thatstands out at right angles to the line.
If desired, the loops can be made long enough to have a hook seton them. And once again, this is not a good practice unless the fishare biting-mad, which they rarely are.


  • Form a loop in the line.
  • Take hold of one side of the loop, and make 6 or more turns around the line itself.
  • This is the tricky part - keep open the point where the turns, or twists, are being made.
  • Take hold of the other side of the loop, and pull it throughthe centre opening. use a finger in this loop so that it is not lost.
  • Hold this loop between the teeth. Pull gently on both ends ofthe line, making the turns gather and pack down on either side of theloop.
  • Draw up the knot by pulling the lines as tightly as possible. The turns will make the loop stand at right angles to the line.

Tucked Sheet Bend
Usually employed by the fly fisherman, the Tucked Sheet Bend iscommonly used for joining the backing line to the tapered line. It isnot an especially compact knot, but has a very strong attachment whichcannot be said for the more aesthetically pleasing Perfection Loop.

  • Make a Blood Bight (see above) at the end of the backing line.
  • Take the end of the tapered line. Pass it through the Blood Bightand make a simple Sheet Bend.
  • Now pass the end of the tapered line back through the closed loop of the Sheet Bend.
  • Hold both ends of the tapered line to tighten and draw into shape.

Float Stop

The float fisherman uses a running float for casting and generalhandiness, and stops the float from running up the line by using theFloat Stop. It has the advantage that the stops moves readily over therod guides, but grips the monofilament nylon so tightly that it willnot slide over the line.
It should be made with about 12.5cm of nylon, usually the same diameter as the line itself.

  • Take 2 turns (3 if necessary) around the main line at the chosen point.
  • Bring both ends around to form a Surgeon's Knot (see above).
  • Tighten into shape bringing the coils close together.


Turle Knot
I have included the still-used Turle Knot for old times sake.Also known as the Turtle Knot, and Major Turle's Knot, it is simplicityitself to tie, but is one of the weakest knots.
It should never be used for light lines, and there are better knots for use with heavy ones.

  • Pass the line through the eye of the hook.
  • Make a simple loop.
  • Carry the end of the line on to make a Simple Overhand Knot upon the loop.
  • Pass the loop over the hook.
  • Draw up into shape.

Double Turle Knot

Tied in monofilament nylon, the Turle Knot may slip unless anotherSimple Overhand Knot is made at the end of the line where it leaves theTurle Knot.
It is improved substantially by using the Double Turle Knot.

  • Pass the line through the eye of the hook or swivel.
  • Make two simple loops, and carry the line on to make a Simple Overhand Knot around both loops.
  • Pass both of these loops over the hook or swivel.
  • Pull on both parts of the line to draw the knot up into shape against the eye of the hook or swivel.


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