Below are the contact details for the nine English language schools (ELS) and centres (ELC) in the metropolitan area.
ELS / ELC Telephone Number Fax Number Address Primary / Secondary
Blackburn ELS 9803 4022 9802 4806 120 Eley RdBurwood East 3151 Primary and Secondary
Collingwood ELS 9419 7633 9419 0698 19 Cambridge St Collingwood 3066 Primary and Secondary
Noble Park ELS 9546 9578 9558 5683 Thomas St Noble Park 3174 Primary and Secondary
Western ELS 9311 9325 9312 5410 46 South Rd Braybrook 3019 Primary and Secondary
Springvale ELC 9548 3496 9546 9694 355A Springvale Rd Springvale 3171 Primary
Broadmeadows ELC 9309 1488 9302 1336 Belfast St Broadmeadows 3047 Secondary
Brunswick ELC 9380 6889 9388 2756 47 Dawson St Brunswick 3056 Secondary
Glen Eira ELC 9572 5877 9572 5386 76 Booran Rd Caulfield 3162 Secondary
Westall ELC 9546 1732 9546 3233 Rosebank Ave Clayton South 3169 Secondary
Term 1 2 February (students start) to 3 April - teachers begin Term 1 on 28 January
Term 2 20 April to 26 June (12 June will be a student free day)
Term 3 13 July to 18 September
Term 4 5 October to 18 December
我知道有几间是经常满员的,所以一旦确定来的日子就应该致电他们,免得来的时候没有位置,要先去主流学校(Main Stream),再去他们那里,特别是在学期中间插班。
如果需要各种教育信息和资料,比如找学校,看各个科目可以登陆各个省的教育局网站。以维省为例: http:www.education.vic.gov.au
其他州可以替换简写,qld, sa, nsw etc.
normally under 9 is ok to go main stream at once. but I would say go to language school is the best choice for transition period unless you get confidence from the school
this list is from education vic. I know for blackburn school, they have a campus in maroodah. these are the government school. i am sure i've covered all of them in metropolitan.