Asking an end-user what the problem is (适用于Tier 1 Tech Support/Help Desk)
Can you logon to the network?
Can you login to your computer/the domain/the database?
What type of computer do you have?
What operating system/program are you running?
Has that happend before?
Tell me what you've done?
Did you check out your Internet connection setting?
Did you get a pop-up menu?
Did you use XXX instead?
Did you make new configuration change to your system?
What change did you make before you getting this error message?
Did you make the backup?
Did you open up an attachment in your email?
Did you click on the hyperlink in your email?
Did you install XXX application/software?
Do you update your virus protection software regularly?
Have you tried pressing the escape key/rebooting your machine?
Are you sure you're using the right program?
Why did you make the change?
How about the file/database size?
Look at the LED status light on the faceplate. Is it flashing?