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[edu] 《應用英文》再談特別字眼

发表于 7-7-2008 03:18:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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咱們常在報章雜誌看到一些「西式中文」,諸如:「夠大氣」、「怕辣」、「黑羊」、「踢水桶」、「橄欖枝」等等,其實都是來自美語的go Dutch, pot luck, blacksheep, kick the bucket, olive branch。如不加上原文或中文註解,恐怕一般人很難了解。

這裡我再介紹一些「特別字眼」 (即俚語或口語),盼望翻譯大師們,如再譯成「西式中文」,別忘了附上原文或中文註解。否則一般讀者恐怕會「有看沒懂」啊!

(1) at odds:

意思是爭吵,意見不同或彼此反對 (quarrel, disagree,or oppose one another)(當形容詞用,動詞多用verb to be)odds本指不同的賭注。


Because of the generation gap, the young and the old may be at odds on many issues.


Shortly after the marriage, Mr. A was at odds with his wife on money matters.


The Chinese and the Americans can be friends, not at odds for political reasons.


Having been at odds on politics for decades, can Taiwan and China solve the problems peacefully?


(2) ballpark figure:

意思是大致正確的估計,或八九不離十的衡量。(roughly accurate estimate)(當名詞用)


If you can’t tell me the exact cost, please give me a ballpark figure.


The proposed two percent of salary increase can be only a ballpark figure.


This ballpark figure cannot be used in our budget report.


Do you feel the IRS will accept your ballpark figure for your income tax return?


(3) basket case:

這是指四肢行動不便,處於無助境況,或精神和心理上不穩定的人。(a person who may not function well physically or is emotionally or mentally unstable)(當名詞用)


If you change your job constantly, you may become a basket case.


Taiwan’s independence policy has caused the current government to be a basket case.


Being a basket case, John is unlikely to be hired as a permanent employee.


有時也可用複數:As a result of long-time unemployment, the workers are seemingly basket cases.


(4) best bet:


(a better choice among several alternatives)(當名詞用)(這本是出自賭場的賭注)


Living in a small city to raise my children was my best bet years ago.


Many people feel that the best bet for Taiwan is to maintain the status quo.


Taiwan’s best bet for future prosperity is to reunite peacefully with China.


The best bet in marriage is to pick a woman with inner grace.


(5) big daddy:

這是指有權威或重要的人物,多半指男人。 (a powerful or important man)(與big shot, big cheese或big wheel意義相似)


If you want to do this project, you must have permission from the big daddy.


Do you agree that if the U.S. does not act as a big daddy, the world can be more peaceful?


如果女人很有權威,有人也用big mama=powerful woman,但不用big mammy因為這是指過去的黑人保母。

另外sugar daddy是指以金錢等方式與年輕女子交往的老年人。(多半用單數)

Miss A wants to make friends with a sugar daddy.

但也有人用複數:Not all young women can find their sugar daddies./懷中(下期待續)

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 楼主| 发表于 7-7-2008 03:18:46 | 只看该作者

(6) brown nose :

這是指過分拍馬屁的人。 (to flatter someone in an excessive way)照字面本意是用嘴去親別人的屁股,而鼻子沾上棕色的大便。很不禮貌,但現在仍然通用,不過是句較粗暴的表達方式。 (rough expression) (多半當動詞用)


Mr. A is trying to brown nose his boss for a promotion, but it’s not working.


Brown nosing can reveal a person’s character and integrity.


但指拍馬屁的人,多半用brown noser,當名詞用。


It seems that more Chinese people are brown nosers with their higher ranking officials than Americans.


Too many brown nosers will make it difficult for government officials to carry out the policies fairly.


(7) burning question :

這是指商討極度緊急迫切的問題 (a crucial or urgent question under discussion) (當名詞用)(原意是像著火一樣的問題,需要滅火)


Whenever the U.S. and China talk, the Taiwan issue becomes a burning question.


If the burning question about Taiwan cannot be solved, Chinese and American relations are unlikely to improve.


To keep peace in Asia, the burning Taiwan question cannot be ignored.

(為了維持亞洲的和平,迫切的台灣問題,不能漠視。)(把Taiwan加入burning question之中,當形容詞,有時亦可)

As a super power in the world, America has to deal with several burning questions.


(8) count sheep :

這是指一個人睡不著時,躺在床上,數著想像中的羊,以求入睡。(try to get to sleep by counting imaginary sheep)(當動詞用)


A study shows that more and more Americans are counting sheep.

(一項研究顯示,愈來愈多的美國人睡不著。)(名詞sheep,單複數都一樣)也就是:More and more American people have trouble falling asleep.

After drinking too much coffee, my wife was counting sheep at 2 a.m.


Do you think to count sheep will really help a person sleep well?



If counting sheep won’t help, you may need to take sleeping pills.


(9) cut corners :

這是指為了節省金錢和人力而走捷徑,或是不按常規而用簡便的方法辦事。(try to do things in an easy way or act without following the rules)(當動詞用)


If you try to cut corners, you will lose the quality of your products.


To keep your good business image, never cut corners in making merchandise.


Cutting corners will eventually lead you to business failure.


The Chinese government should crack down on some dishonest merchants who are cutting corners.


(10) duty bound :

意思是理所當然,義不容辭或責無旁貸。(to have a responsibility or to be obliged to do something)(當形容詞用)


Every citizen is duty bound to do something meaningful for society.


The rich should be duty bound to help the poor.


Mr. J feels duty bound to help poor students if he saves enough money.


With a strong sense of being duty bound, many American youngsters want to go to the war.

(許多美國年輕人,出於強烈的責任感,要上戰場。) /懷中(下期待續)

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 楼主| 发表于 7-7-2008 03:19:29 | 只看该作者
(11) dead wood :

這是指一個機構裡,無所貢獻,沒有用的人。 (useless persons who don’t contribute anything in an organization) (多半當名詞用)


No one is happy to be considered dead wood.


Being dead wood, Mr. A has never been promoted for twenty years.


By learning and working hard you will not be treated as dead wood.


The company has to get rid of some dead wood because of a business downturn.


至於fifth wheel,多半指在特別情況下,不需要的人,未必是不能幹或沒有用。

Mr. A was a fifth wheel at the committee meeting.


(12) elbow room :

這是指伸展臂肘的空間,也就是僅有足夠活動的餘地。(having space to move about) (當名詞用)


Living in a small house with seven people makes it hard to find elbow room for each.


China has to abide by its “ one child ” policy because accommodating even elbow room for 1.3 billion people is a difficult job.


After his business failure, Mr. C has to move from a mansion to a place with little elbow room.


Financial burdens have squeezed many Chinese immigrants into spaces with little elbow room.


(13) gung ho :

意思是對某事十分熱心或賣力。 (quite enthusiastic or dedicated about something) 據說二次世界大戰美國陸戰隊用這口號,訓練士兵,是否出自中文,無法確定。(當形容詞用)(動詞多半verb to be)


Mr. A was gung ho about his new job.


Whatever Mr. B does, he will always be gung ho about it.


John has been gung ho all the time since his promotion.


Generally speaking, Chinese people are not so gung ho on charitable contributions as Americans (are).


(14) in limbo :

這是指情況不定或是暫時性的情形。(an uncertain condition or temporary situation) (當形容詞用)這本是來自基督教,意謂人在死後,未受上帝審判前,是徘徊在天堂和地獄之間。


For 60-plus years, the Taiwan issue has been in limbo.


If your editor leaves the publishing company, your new book may be in limbo.


Do you think the Taiwan issue would be in a“no war - no peace” limbo?


Without your official documents, your visa application will be in limbo.


(15) lock horns :

意思是對某事的爭吵、衝突或打鬥。 (to engage in conflict or fight over something) (當動詞用)這本指牛或鹿等相鬥時,雙方角絞纏在一起。


The couple locked horns with each other over the subject of parenting.


The legislators in Taiwan lock horns quite often over political issues.


For the past 41 years, I have seldom seen American officials locking horns during a meeting.


Well-educated persons will look bad locking horns with each other.



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发表于 7-7-2008 11:18:25 | 只看该作者
够大气,怕辣。。。是go dutch 和pot luck 港式中文果然恐怖。。。

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发表于 7-7-2008 12:06:20 | 只看该作者

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发表于 7-7-2008 18:35:12 | 只看该作者
it seems to me 'go Dutch' & '够大气' are actually contrary in their respect language contexts. I strongly hold the opinion that guys making such translations have actually LOST their linguistic capability in Chinese.


参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
ritaclin + 30 absolutely



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