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[News] Investigator's lover an ICAC insider

发表于 4-6-2008 12:32:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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http://www.theage.com.au/nationa ... -20080603-2lc4.html

THE mistress and colleague of a NSW Crime Commission investigator accused of planning to import illegal drugs was recently moved to the body now investigating corruption in the secretive crime-fighting agency.

The woman, an intelligence analyst, was employed at the Crime Commission but was moved to the Independent Commission Against Corruption about 15 months ago. The transfer followed a request from Crime Commission head Phillip Bradley, who cited the affair with an unnamed senior officer.

Mark Standen, 51, has been charged with conspiracy over an alleged plot to import enough pseudoephedrine to produce 480 kilograms of the drug ice. He is one of the most senior Australian law enforcement officials ever charged with corruption.

Some of the country's most high-profile drug, murder and internal affairs investigations could be reviewed as a result of his arrest.

Mr Bradley also confirmed that he had recently become aware that Standen had a gambling problem, which appeared to have been widely known among law enforcement officers.

The ICAC said the woman who had been having an affair with Standen was not a suspect in the Standen matter, and her presence had not jeopardised the investigation.

"Senior management has been kept informed at all times about the Australian Federal Police investigation, including her involvement with the subject officer," an ICAC statement said.

"This information has been kept strictly confidential within the executive of the commission and managed in a way which would not in any way jeopardise the integrity of the investigation by the Federal Police."

Standen was taken to Sydney's Central Local Court in a caged van yesterday, but was not required to appear.

His lawyer, Paul King, said: "He's obviously stressed and upset about the whole thing. I think it's all taken him by surprise."

Standen and Bakhos Jalalaty, 45, were charged with conspiracy to import a precursor chemical, conspiracy to supply a large quantity of drugs and con- spiracy to pervert the course of justice.

AFP deputy commissioner of operations Tony Negus said police would allege they were trying to import 600 kilograms of pseudoephedrine, which could have produced ice worth $120 million.

The chemicals were allegedly due to be shipped to Australia inside a container of rice from Pakistan, via several other countries.

But Mr Negus said that when the container was searched on arrival in Australia, no chemicals were found. He refused to comment on reports that the shipment was stolen en route by a rival crime gang.

Home Affairs Minister Bob Debus told Federal Parliament it would be alleged Standen "used his position to provide advice to the syndicate on law enforcement methods and information on drug enforcement activities".

Mr Bradley admitted the allegations were "very damaging", but rejected calls for a royal commission. "This is an isolated incident, one person engaging in crime," he alleged.

He said Standen was involved in many cases. "We will look at the ones that we think will need to be reviewed jointly with the AFP, based on the evidence we've collected," he said. "I'm not aware of the basis for a retrial in any of those matters."

Sources said Standen used a payout while he was working for federal police to finance his debts.

An AFP spokesman confirmed Standen had taken a voluntary redundancy in 1996 and had left with "a clean employment record".

The spokesman would not comment on rumours of Standen's gambling problem, or that he had used a windfall while at the AFP, the redundancy or part of his superannuation fund to pay off gambling debts.

Standen worked with former NSW police commissioner Peter Ryan and deputy commissioner Mal Brammer on internal affairs investigations.

Among the cases Standen investigated recently was one involving an international cocaine ring said to include baggage handlers at Sydney Airport.

Standen has also been involved in an investigation into whether the shooting murder of two Yugoslav migrants in 1993 was linked to the 2001 killings of barman Ian Draper and convicted drug dealer Terry Falconer.

The NSW Crime Commission has no direct oversight body, unlike virtually every other law enforcement agency in Australia.

The NSW Police Association yesterday called for a new body, saying the commission had extraordinary powers.

A NSW Department of Corrective Services spokesman said Standen was in maximum security. "He will be on suicide watch," the spokesman said.

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