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据我所知这里房产证主要分几个类型: Strata Title, Torrens Title, Community Title, Common Law Title or Company Title
我只知道,House 是Torrens Title,解释是Torrens Title is the name given to the government system of recording ownership of land. It is by
far the most common land title, and the cheapest to buy and sell. Once you are registered on the Title you are the guaranteed owner.
这是最好的一种了,有房有地,不要交strata fee.
而Unit和apartment是Strata Title, 解释是Strata Title is the common method of unit ownership. The Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act makes possible the subdivision of the airspace above the surface of the land, and the issue of a Certificate of Title to part, or parts, of a building. This enables the purchaser to buy the actual space enclosed by the unit and then sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise deal with the unit as any other owner of property.
最近看房子看的头晕,本来打定主意买个Townhouse或者Villa,因为有土地比Unit潜在价值要高些。但出乎意料的是,Townhouse和Villa竟然也属于Strata Title. 这和我原来的理解有些出入。
有哪位达人知道如果买Townhouse和Villa,是否拥有地权?是不是和Unit\Apartment的Strata Title 还有区别?谢谢!
[ 本帖最后由 johnnynews 于 10-5-2007 13:32 编辑 ] |