
楼主 |
发表于 11-9-2018 15:30:47
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 17-9-2018 08:22 编辑
Brain Health
-- stress, over the long term, can affect how the brain functions, interfere with cognition (disorganised), attention, memory (forgetful), mood and anxiety = Alzheimer's disease / dementia; promoting inflammation --> adversely affects heart health = multiple chronic diseases of the brain and heart
-- protect the brain from damaging stress/chronic stress/ (a good night's sleep, create a concrete list of tasks daily, reach out for help, strive for healthier responses to stress
Warning signs of Alzheimer's disease
-- trouble remembering things first in short-term memory then long-term memory is impaired; completing routine daily tasks become much more challenging
-- mood or personality changes from social & outgoing to withdrawn; stubborn, distrustful, angry, depressed, loss of interest in hobby, a change in appetite, insomnia, sleeping too much, lack of energy, hopelessness
-- language challenges: from difficulty finding words to reading or writing is impaired; impaired judgement: trouble making decisions
-- unusual behavior: wander, agitated, hide things, overly suspicious, engage in unsafe behaviors