保险合约的停放地点,它的意思是问你停在有门的车库(garage)中,还是开放式的车棚(carport),还是直接停街上(on the street),风险系数不同。
停在车道或是草皮上,属於 on the street
Where you park your car at home
Your insurance premium will vary depending on your car’s ‘home’ postcode.
Some areas are safer than others and insurance companies may take this into account when calculating your premium.
Cars parked in off-street carports, garages and secure parking bays may carry a lower risk than vehicles parked on streets and in unsecured parking areas.
It’s important to make sure you inform your insurance company if your circumstances change (e.g. you move house);
in some cases, it may even reduce your premium if you move to either a safer neighbourhood or to a home with a lockable garage.