本人在申请189签证,上周收到一封来自gsm.brisbane邮件,里面的附件中让我补国内无刑。 但昨天又收到一封邮箱为Skilled.Support的邮件,让答复要的两个问题材料,邮件说到"Team 13 is not responsible for assessing your application and therefore team 13 does not respond to status update requests. 要的材料如下:
Education - Please advise how you were financially supported during all periods of education, from September 2001 to June 2005.
Form 1221 - Please complete and return a Form 1221 - Additional Personal Particulars Information. Please be sure to answer all questions and complete the following requirements in full: a.Please give details of all workshops, conference or seminars attended as well as any research papers you have published. b. Please attach all details in relation to your thesis (if undertaken).