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Dear Client
Thank you for your email.
At present your application is under routine checks & we don’t give details about specific checks prior to them being undertaken, but we can say as a general comment that documents are checked for various reasons, for instance, the case may have similar characteristics to other cases in which fraud has been found, or it may be a random check, or a particular document may have had some aspect to it that warranted checking. Any document or information that has been supplied with the application may be referred for checking and may relate to English language, identity, relationship, education, employment. Some checks are undertaken directly from this office, some by posts, some by other agencies acting on our behalf.
It’s difficult to say exactly how long the check will be completed.
Note: the timing for completion of the checks varies from one case to another depending on individual circumstances.
As soon as we have the results we will continue processing and inform you immediately for the next stage.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
2,我们婚姻时间不长,准备了证明婚姻关系的材料但是co一直没有要所以一直没提供(中介说问了再给),现在需要自己主动提供吗,还是先邮件问一下co需要 提供再提供,还是既然他没要,我也不用提这些文件?
3,我的co一直在换,第一次补料是阿德team23, 第二次补料是team7, 后来发邮件去问进度的时候又是team6, 但是回复的是不同的两个人 。何解?
May God answer my prayers!