谢谢回复,现在190有一部分人受到delay mail, 但是还是有陆续下签的只是很少, 不知道这个是否是你说的总配额。 总配额上年度28000的确是基本用完了,我说的职业ceiling 是取自 booklet 1119
“Invitations will be issued to those prospective applicants who
achieve the highest rankings, subject to the operation of the occupational ceiling”
这个是关于Points Based Skilled Migration
(subclasses 189, 190 and 489) visa, 我说的也是我的理解,如果有别的出处或者我哪里理解错了,还请指出,这样避免我以后也会误导别人。
thx 我找到这么一段应该是你说的
n late 2013, the department conducted an evaluation of occupational ceilings to assess how they have operated to date and to consider changes to ensure they are performing their intended function.
Based on feedback received as part of the evaluation, the following changes will be in place from 1 March 2014:
1. State and territory nominated visas will no longer be subject to occupational ceiling limitations; and
2. The minimum ceiling for each occupational group will be 1000 invitations
As there are still high levels of interest from prospective skilled migrants in the following six occupations, pro rata arrangements for these occupational groups will continue:
· Chemical and Materials Engineers;
· Electronics Engineers;
· Other Engineering Professionals;
· ICT Business and Systems Analysts;
· Software and Applications Programmers; and
· Telecommunications Engineering Professionals.