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http://www.starobserver.com.au/o ... 6/a-non-issue/82991
Posted on 16 August 2012
A farmer commits suicide every four days. A staggering statistic from Bob Katter, and I say that sincerely.
Bob Katter 说每四天就有一个农夫自杀
A farmer commits suicide due to a bad economy and a market manipulated by supermarket giants such as Woolworth’s (also from the mouth of Katter).
Bob Katter 还说农夫自杀的原因是目前的恶劣的经济状况,以及零售业巨豪如窝窝死垄断了市场。
To Katter, this is an issue worth fighting for. These suicides are a reason to act and to fight for what he sees as justice for the people that work so hard to make a living.
对于Bob Katter来说,这些都是他认为值得争取的,那些自杀的农夫恰恰是那些为了谋生而竭尽全力的人。
I support that. It’s something close to him, something important for our economy and he will most probably make a very strong change in these farmers lives.
According to Suicide Prevention Australia, on average 200 gay youths will suicide this year. That’s one every two days.
A gay youth may commit suicide for a multitude of reasons. Discrimination, abuse, bullying, intolerance, confusion and hopelessness spanning possibly their whole teenage life.
Maybe they felt it all at once when Bob Katter stated on last weeks Q&A that to him, marriage equality and gay rights are a non-issue?
上周,当Bob Katter 在全国电视网的Q&A节目上生成:同性婚姻合法化和同性恋平等权利不重要,他的发言极有可能强烈的刺痛那些正在遭受痛苦和磨难的年轻同性恋们。
He even laughed at the pain I feel, at the pain my friends, my family and those youths who have committed suicide or are currently considering suicide feel, he laughed at that pain.
Bob 在节目上甚至对于我,以及那些年轻的同性恋,我的家庭,我的朋友,还有那些已经自杀了的人,或者考虑自杀的人,每天所面临的苦难报与一笑。
I found this comment and his actions both odd and offensive. Why would he say that he considered two issues that strongly effect the LGBTIQ community and society’s view of LGBTIQ people a non-issue yet be so vocally opposed towards the issue in the past?
Mr Katter, what would you say if I said farmers committing suicide was a non-issue? I live in the city so why should I care what happens to some farmer in the middle of Queensland?
Bob 如果我说那些寻求自杀的农夫不足挂齿,我住在城市,所以那些生活在昆州农村自杀的农夫跟我没有任何关系,你会怎么看我的观点?
But I wouldn’t say that, I respect human life and recognise the issues that effect people different to me.
I support you in your fight to stop suffering for these people, your people.
So why don’t you start supporting our fight to stop the suffering of LGBTIQ people, of my people?
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