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[生意自雇] 大家给看看这个courier please的生意怎么样。

发表于 15-11-2012 16:58:12 | 显示全部楼层
do you have to pay $110k to buy this courier please business if you just get $50-$60k net income p.a? I know someone who is working for post office as contractor, they could get for $1000 a week for no problem by working 5 days a week as delivery guy. the post office provides uniform and van, you need ABN and fill the fuel.

if you just want to get a Monday  to Friday work, you don't need to invest that much money I believe. I hope this info is helpful to you to make decision.

anyway, good luck to LZ!


参与人数 2威望 +40 收起 理由
QWERTYASDFG + 20 我很赞同!一份普通的工作,为什么要花那么多 ...
floatstone + 20 谢谢分享!



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