ubuntuhk 发表于 3-3-2014 00:46
是啊,这是考验比特币的一个危机时刻,有危也有机,比特币注定要走一条不平坦的道路,我先准备点花生啤 ...
面对MT.GOX的问题,很多针对性的部分解决方案也在酝酿中,比如这个 https://www.bitalo.com/why_bitalo 。
Currently, to make sure user funds are not lost, most services use a "cold/hot" wallet scheme. This means that only fraction (typically around 5-10%) of Bitcoins are stored online on website servers for day-to-day operations, and the rest is stored offline. Service operators then move the coins back and forth on regular basis to keep the hot/cold ratio as low as possible. This way, if someone breaks in to their servers (and this happens very frequently) only "small" amount of Bitcoins stored online will be stolen.
Above scheme however has some major drawbacks:
Some coins still have to be stored, unencrypted, on website servers. In event of server compromise they will be stolen.
Users could be limited to withdraw bigger amount of Bitcoins if the "hot storage" empties because of many withdrawal requests.
As a user, you have no control over your Bitcoins. They're mixed with other people's Bitcoins and when withdrawing, you will receive an address that could earlier belonged to someone else. This may lead to problems if receiver of your Bitcoins wants to refund them to you, as someone else could receive them.
Bitalo breaks this stereotype. We use multi-signature addresses - a special type of Bitcoin addresses that start with '3' instead of '1'. The major difference from standard Bitcoin address is that it's made out of two private keys, and in order to spend funds from that address, signatures from both keys are required.
In our system, we control only the first key, while you (with your account password) control the second one. That means we cannot move Bitcoins from your account without you entering the password to confirm the transaction. And since transaction signature happens in your browser, we never even receive your password on our servers.
That means that even if our servers are hacked, your coins are still safe. |